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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Travels With the Secretary > Secretary Rice: 2007 Travel 

Secretary Rice: Travel to Norway, April 26, 2007

A general forum during the NATO foreign ministers informal meeting in Oslo, Norway April 26 2007. [© AP Images]

Secretary Rice Attends NATO Ministerial in Oslo, Norway
Secretary Rice (Apr. 26):
"We will have an opportunity to talk about Afghanistan, about Kosovo, and of course about missile defense,  ...and then finally on the Middle East where I think we all share the desire to see rapid movement toward a two-state solution, a strong view that the Palestinian people have waited long enough for their state and the Israeli people have waited long enough for the security that will come from having a democratic and peaceful neighbor. And so we look forward to working together as we have, having full discussions, and we indeed keep in very close contact about those policies and I look forward to continuing that work."

Secretary Rice traveled to Oslo, Norway for an informal meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers. While in Oslo, Secretary Rice will discuss with her NATO counterparts the way ahead for NATO’s missions in Afghanistan and Kosovo and a range of other issues, including missile defense. The Secretary will also participate in a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council.

Complete List of Secretary Rice's 2007 Travels

Remarks made during the trip
--04/26/07  Remarks at NATO Ministerial in Oslo
--04/26/07  Interview With NRK
--04/26/07  Remarks With Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store
--04/26/07  The West Needs a Defense System that Works Op-Ed with Defense Secretary Gates
--04/25/07  Briefing en Route Oslo, Norway

Information related to the trip
Informal Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers 

Photo Gallery
North Atlantic Council official portrait.  NATO portrait
Photos from NATO meetings 

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