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Photo Gallery
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
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2008 Secretary Rice's Photos

--09/07/08  Photos: Secretary Rice Travels to Morocco; Rabat, Morocco
--09/06/08  Photos: Secretary Rice Travels to Algeria; Algiers, Algeria
--09/06/08  Photos: Secretary Rice Travels to Libya; Tripoli, Libya
--09/06/08  Photos: Secretary Rice Travels to Tunisia; Tunis, Tunisia

--08/25/08  Photo: Secretary Rice Arrives in Israel;  Ben Gurion Airport; Tel Aviv, Israel
--08/25/08  Photo: Secretary Rice With Israeli Defense Minister Barak; Tel Aviv, Israel

--07/09/08  Photos: Secretary Rice Travels to Bulgaria; Sofia, Bulgaria
--07/08/08  Photos: Secretary Rice Travels to Czech Republic; Prague, Czech Republic

--06/30/08  Photos: Secretary Rice Travels to Asia; Kyoto, Japan; Seoul, South Korea; Beijing, China
--06/16/08  Photos: Secretary Rice's Travel to Middle East; Jerusalem, Ramallah and Lebanon

--05/04/08  Photos: Secretary Rice's Travel to Europe and the Middle East; Europe and Middle East

--04/20/08  Photos: Secretary Rice Travels to Iraq; Baghdad, Iraq
--04/03/08  Photo: Secretary Rice With President Bush at NATO Summit; Bucharest, Romania
--04/01/08  Photos: Secretary Rice Visits School in Ukraine; Kyiv, Ukraine

--03/30/08  Photos: Secretary Rice Travels to Jordan; Jordan
--03/29/08  Photos: Secretary Rice Travels to Jerusalem; Jerusalem
--03/19/08  Photos: Secretary Rice and Defense Secretary Gates Travel to Russia; Moscow, Russia
--03/13/08  Photo: Secretary Rice With Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim ; Brasilia, Brazil
--03/06/08  Photo: Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers; NATO HQ; Brussels, Belgium
--03/04/08  Photos: Secretary Rice Travels to Middle East and Belgium; Jerusalem and Brussels

--02/27/08  Photos: Secretary Rice's Travel to Japan ; Tokyo, Japan
--02/11/08  Photo: Secretary Rice With Finnish Foreign Minister Ilkka Kanerva; Washington, DC
--02/06/08  Photo: Secretary Rice in London, England; London, England

--01/30/08  Photo: Secretary Rice With Foreign Minister Taieb Fassi Fihri of Morocco; Washington, DC
--01/29/08  Photo: Presentation of Final Report of the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Transformational Diplomacy; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
--01/29/08  Photo: Secretary Rice With Albanian Foreign Minister Lulzim Basha; Washington, DC
--01/28/08  Photo: Secretary Rice With Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Stephen Smith, M.P.; Washington, DC
--01/15/08  Photos: Secretary Rice Travels to Middle East; Jerusalem and Baghdad

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