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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Travels With the Secretary > Secretary Rice: 2008 Travel 

Secretary Rice: Travel to South Korea, China, and Japan, February 23-28

Secretary Rice arrives in Beijing, China, Feb. 26, 2008. AP Images
Joint Press Availability with Foreign Minister Masahiko Koumura
Secretary Rice (Feb. 27):
"We do have a strong partnership. The defense alliance with Japan and the alliance based on values with Japan is one of the strongest pillars of security in the Asia-Pacific region, but also a strong pillar of America's own security. We had an opportunity to talk about the progress that we have made in modernizing the alliance over these last few years, about the need to continue with our efforts at realignment." Full Text

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice traveled February 23-28 to the Republic of Korea, the People’s Republic of China, and Japan.

Secretary Rice led a Presidential Delegation to attend the inauguration ceremony and inauguration dinner of incoming President Lee Myung-bak on February 25. While in Seoul, she also met with senior officials to discuss regional security and bilateral relations, including the Six-Party Talks and the Korea-U.S. (KORUS) Free Trade Agreement.

In Beijing, Secretary Rice met with senior Chinese officials to discuss a wide range of international, regional and bilateral political and economic issues, including the Six-Party Talks and Iran.

Secretary Rice arrived in Tokyo on February 27 to meet with Foreign Minister Koumura and other officials. Consultations with this close ally include exchanging views on a broad set of issues, including security cooperation, the Six-Party Talks, and other global, regional, and bilateral matters of mutual concern.

Remarks made during the trip
--02/27/08 Joint Press Availability with Japanese Foreign Minister Masahiko Koumura
--02/27/08 Roundtable with the Traveling Press
--02/27/08 Interview With Fuji Television
--02/27/08 Interview With NHK Television
--02/26/08 Roundtable With Traveling Press
--02/26/08 Joint Press Availability With Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi
--02/25/08 Remarks After Meeting with Foreign Minister-Designate Yu Myung-Hwan
--02/22/08 Briefing on Recent Africa Trip and Upcoming Asia Trip

Information related to the trip
--02/25/08 Briefing from Seoul, Korea; Christopher R. Hill, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs

Photo Gallery
Secretary Rice shakes hands with Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda in Tokyo on Feb. 27, 2008. State Department photo.
Photos from Japan

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