Apply Here for Financial Freedom - LRP IHS Loan Repayment Program
About LRP
smiling young woman

Frequently Asked Questions for Applicants

  1. Does the IHSLRP pay for undergraduate loans?
  2. Does the IHSLRP pay for loans that were consolidated?
  3. Do you have to be American Indian or Alaska Native to receive LRP awards?
  4. How much do I get if I am awarded loan repayment?
  5. Will you help me find employment?
  6. Do you know of any other loan repayment programs similar to IHSLRP?
Does the IHSLRP pay for undergraduate loans?
As long as the undergraduate studies were prerequisites for the graduate degree, the IHSLRP willpay for those loans.

Does the IHSLRP pay for loans that were consolidated?
The IHSLRP will pay only health professions education loans. Any non-health professions education loans consolidated with a health professions education loan will not be paid. Copies of your final statements from the original lending institution at the time of the loan consolidation will determine the portion of the loan that is eligible for repayment.

Do you have to be American Indian or Alaska Native to receive LRP awards?
No. However, priority is given to American Indians and Alaska Natives.

How much do I get if I am awarded loan repayment?
LRP awards up to $20,000 per year in exchange for a minimum two-year service obligation, plus 20% of federal income tax on the award. LRP withholds the employer’s portion of FICA taxes.
View examples of payments.

Will you help me find employment?
Yes. LRP will assist in matching you to an IHS-approved priority site with the help of your discipline-specific Public Health Professions (PHP) recruiter (

Do you know of any other loan repayment programs similar to IHSLRP?
If IHSLRP is not a loan repayment option for you, another opportunity is the National Health Service Corp. Contact the NHSC at 1 (800) 793-1547, or visit