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Start here to learn about legislation in the United States Congress:

Click here to view a list of bills Sponsored or Co-sponsored by Representative Davis in the 110th Congress with links to extensive information about those bills.

For a closer look at some legislation sponsored by Congressman Davis:

Second Chance Act: Click here for information about the Second Chance Act

Community Choice Act: Click here for information about the Community Choice Act

Kinship Caregiver Support Act: Click here for information about the Kinship Caregiver Support Act

More Reading Material:  

Click here to read the report ordered by Congressman Davis on diversity in the Federal Senior Executive Service (139 pages - please give it time to download).

Congressman Davis on "Making Sense of 9-11" October, 2001 *

Congressman Davis on why "Work Force Rights Must be Protected" May, 2003

How to keep up with legislation before the Congress:

Thomas, Legislative Information, Library of Congress link

Use the links below to do a quick search for legislation in the 110th Congress using the Library of Congress legislative tracking system "Thomas."  Thomas is a user friendly and flexible web site which allows access to a wide variety of information about legislation including the full text, the status, the sponsors and co-sponsors and links to votes. 

You may also use Thomas to find any recorded votes which may have been held on any particular piece of legislation.  (To find votes by other criteria please use the Clerk of the House. Thomas offers many other capabilities, including access to the Congressional Record.  The Congressional Record is the official and permanent record of the proceedings of the Congress of the United States.  

About THOMAS       

Go to the Thomas web site

Quick Search Text of Bills in the 110th Congress:

Search by Bill Number:
(Example: "s. 435", "H.R. 842")

Search by Word/Phrase:
(Example: "tax reform")

More resources:

Another excellent non-partisan source of information about the positions and voting records of your legislators is Project Vote Smart.  Vote Smart is dedicated to providing a non-partisan, non-profit, independent, objective, reputable, through and mission-oriented resource for our democracy.  The site is user friendly and easy to use.  Vote Smart also offers the opportunity for volunteers and interns to contribute to the information available.

Project Vote Smart

How laws are made:

Anyone looking for a basic outline of the numerous steps of our federal lawmaking process from the source of an idea for a legislative proposal through its publication as a statute would be well served to start with this guide from the Library of Congress.  The guide will enable readers to gain a greater understanding of the federal legislative process and its role as one of the foundations of our representative system.

Library of Congress guide to how our laws are made

The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution:

The Archives of the United States have on line materials to research the making of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  Read the text of these great documents.  Study the Bill of Rights and other amendments to the Constitution, those which passed and those which did not pass.  Explore the development of our democracy, the abolition of slavery and the struggle to secure equality for women, African Americans and other minorities.

Archives of the United States

Record of Votes in the Congress:

Recorded votes of every member on each roll call vote in the House are available on the Web from the Clerk of the House site. They are kept by Roll Call Number and are posted shortly after the conclusion of each roll call vote.

Clerk of the House Roll Call Vote Record

This page last updated: 05/11/2007


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