The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

SHRM® Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Survey

Conducted August 21-28, 2003
370 responses of 2245 emails sent, 1950 received (response rate = 19.0%)

Has your organization ever received an EEOC complaint?

Yes 61.5%
No 38.5%

(Of the 225 respondents who said yes) How many EEOC complaints has your organization received?

1-3 56.5%
4-6 13.8%
More than 6 29.7%

When your organization receives an EEOC complaint, who is responsible for handling it?

HR department 66.8%
In-house counsel 10.4%
Outside counsel 12.5%
Consultant 1.4%
Other (Please specify) 8.9%

For information on EEO concerns, which EEOC office do you or your organization most often consult?

EEOC Headquarters in Washington 2.5%
EEOC regional office nearest you 26.1%
EEOC field office nearest you 25.2%
State Fair Employment Office 7.4%
Local Fair Employment Office 2.8%
We do not consult with an EEOC office 36.0%

How often do you use the EEOC's website?

Never 26.8%
Rarely 41.3%
Sometimes 27.9%
Often 4.1%

If you have had prior dealings with the EEOC, how would you rate their customer service? (32.1% had not; percentages below are of the 237 respondents who had)

Excellent 4.2%
Good 28.7%
Average 40.1%
Fair 18.6%
Poor 8.4%

Which component(s) of the EEOC are most important to you and your organization? Please select all that apply.

Prevention 83.4%
Mediation 31.8%
Enforcement 23.6%
Other (please specify) 3.8%

Would you or your organization use an EEOC national call center, which would replace the field office structure and cover routine inquiries, and allow your organization to provide information needed by field investigators to begin initial work on charge filings?

Yes 76.0%
No 24.0%

Would you or your organization use an internet-based charge processing, which would allow your initial contact with the EEOC to be made via the internet?

Yes 78.7%
No 21.3%

Other (specify) responses from question, "When your organization receives an EEOC complaint, who is responsible for handling it?"

Other (specify) responses for question, "Which component(s) of the EEOC are most important to you and your organization?"

This page was last modified on September 16, 2003.

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