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Mid-Pacific Region
Sacramento, Calif.
Media Contact:
Mr. Jeffrey S. McCracken

Released On: January 25, 2007

Reclamation Announces Public Meetings on the New Melones Lake Area Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement

The Bureau of Reclamation will prepare a combined Resource Management Plan (RMP) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Reclamation-managed lands located at New Melones Lake Area in Calaveras and Tuolumne counties.  New Melones Lake Area is managed by the Central California Area Office, part of the Reclamation's Mid-Pacific Region.  The RMP will evaluate environmental, social, and economic effects of different management alternatives.  All proposed management actions will be incorporated into the combined document that will guide the management of the natural, social, and recreational resources.  The EIS will assess the potential effects of current management actions as well as those proposed under the action alternatives. 

A Notice of Intent to prepare the RMP/EIS was published in the Federal Register on December 18, 2006.  Three public scoping meetings will be held to gather public input on topics that will be addressed in the RMP/EIS, including anticipated resources, alternatives, and significant concerns and issues.  Participants will have the opportunity to interact directly with the study team at the public meetings which are scheduled as follows:

Angels Camp    

Monday, January 29, 2007
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Sonora Union High School Cafeteria
430 N. Washington

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
6:30-8:30 p.m
Brett Harte High School Library 
323 South Main

Wednesday, January 31, 2007
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Manteca High School Cafeteria
450 E. Yosemite Avenue

  Written comments on the scope of the environmental document will be considered in developing the alternatives and analyzing environmental issues to be addressed in the RMP/EIS.  Comments must be received by close of business Friday, February 16, 2007 and should be sent to Ms. Elizabeth Vasquez, Bureau of Reclamation, Central California Area Office, Attn:  New Melones RMP, 7794 Folsom Dam Road, Folsom, CA  95630, or faxed to 916-989-7208, or e-mailed to evasquez@mp.usbr.gov

For additional information, please contact Ms. Vasquez at 916-988-1707.  Please visit the project website at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/ccao/field_offices/new_melones/rmp.html   If you encounter problems accessing the website, please contact Ms. Lynnette Wirth at 916-978-5102 or e-mail lwirth@mp.usbr.gov

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Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits. Visit our website at www.usbr.gov.