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Generic Drugs
Radio Public Service Announcements

The following transcripts are radio public service announcements for generic drugs.



A script for a 60-second recorded radio announcement
This resource is also available as an audio file

WOMAN:       I'm here with Bo Paxton, a very nervous man. Now, Bo, what makes you nervous?

MAN:              (NERVOUSLY) Driving.

WOMAN:       Driving makes a lot of people nervous.

MAN:              (CONTINUES TO BE NERVOUS) Driving…in my driveway.

WOMAN:       Oh.

MAN:              Folding socks…using the phone book…

WOMAN:       Uh-huh. So tax audits?

MAN:              (SHAKY VOICE) Ooooh…

WOMAN:       …tornados…

MAN:              (EVEN SHAKIER) Ohhh…

WOMAN:       …generic drugs…

MAN:              (NOT SHAKY) Oh, no. I'm not nervous about generic drugs.

WOMAN:       But don't you think…

MAN:              They're approved through FDA's tough, multi-step review process. Everything’s reviewed….

WOMAN:       But, still, you get nerv…

MAN:              (IGNORING HER) …quality, performance, manufacturing. Can't be nervous about something so safe and effective.

WOMAN:       Huh. There you have it. A nervous man who's completely confident about taking generic drugs.

MAN:              You know…(STARTING TO GET NERVOUS, AGAIN)…your microphone kinda looks like a snake…

ANNCR:         To learn more, talk to your doctor or pharmacist, call 1-888-INFO-F-D-A, or visit www.fda.gov. Generic Drugs. Safe. Effective. FDA Approved. Brought to you by the Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Safe and Effective
A script for a 60-second recorded radio announcement
This resource is also available as an audio file

SFX:                AMBIENT SOUND.

MAN 1:           (FRIENDLY CHALLENGE) Oven mitts.

MAN 2:           (KNOWINGLY) Safe and effective.

MAN 1:           O.K…mouth guards.

MAN 2:           Safe and effective.

MAN 1:           Hmm. Bungee cords.

MAN 2:           Oooh. Usually safe and effective.

MAN 1:           I've got it. (PAUSE) Generic drugs.

MAN 2:           (CONFIDENTLY) Definitely safe and effective.

MAN 1:           Really?

MAN 2:           Yup.

MAN 1:           Generic drugs, huh?

MAN 2:           Yup.

MAN 1:           But are they…

MAN 2:           (INTERRUPTING) Ahh, completely approved by FDA.

MAN 1:           Is that so.

MAN 2:           It IS the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

MAN 1:           Some kind of…review?

MAN 2:           They check everything. Performance…quality…

MAN 1:           But what about…

MAN 2:           …manufacturing…labeling…

MAN 1:           Everything, huh?

MAN 2:           Tough, multi-step review process, my friend.

MAN 1:           All approved.

MAN 2:           By FDA.

MAN 1:           FDA.

MAN 2:           Safe and effective.

MAN 1:           Hmm…how about…(PAUSE)…shark cages.

MAN 2:           (SARCASTICALLY) One would hope so.

ANNCR:         To learn more about the safety and effectiveness of generic drugs in America, talk to your doctor or pharmacist, call 1-888-INFO-F-D-A, or visit www.fda.gov. Generic Drugs. Safe. Effective. FDA Approved. Brought to you by the Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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Safe and Effective
A script for a 30-second recorded radio announcement
This resource is also available as an audio file

SFX:                AMBIENT SOUND.

MAN 1:           (FRIENDLY CHALLENGE) Oven mitts.

MAN 2:           (KNOWINGLY) Safe and effective.

MAN 1:           Bungee cords.

MAN 2:           Usually safe and effective.

MAN 1:           I got it. Generic drugs.

MAN 2:           (CONFIDENTLY) Definitely safe and effective.

MAN 1:           Z’at so.

MAN 2:           There’s a tough, multi-step review. Everything from performance to labeling is approved by FDA.

MAN 1:           (THOUGHTFUL) Hmm. FDA.

MAN 2:           (PICKS RIGHT BACK UP ON GAME) Safe and effective.

MAN 1:           (DOESN’T MISS A BEAT) What about…shark cages.

MAN 2:           Mmm…better be!

ANNCR:         Generic Drugs. Safe. Effective. FDA Approved. Sponsored by the Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 1-888-INFO-F-D-A.

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Safe and Effective (In Spanish)
¡Seguro y efectivo! 

Un texto o guión para un radio anuncio de 60 segundos
Este recurso también es obtenible como copia audible

SFX:                            SONIDO AMBIENTE

VOZ 1:                        ("DESAFÍO AMISTOSO" - ENTUSIASTA) Vamos a ver… ¡Guantes de béisbol!

VOZ 2:                        (CONFIADO) ¡Seguros y efectivos!

VOZ 1:                       ¡Y…cinturón de seguridad!

VOZ 2:                        ¡Seguro y efectivo!

VOZ 1:                        ¡Ummm…protector solar!

VOZ 2:                        ¡Seguro y efectivo!

VOZ 1:                        ¡Que tal chocolate para la novia!

VOZ 2:                        ¡Por supuesto, seguro y efectivo!


LOCUTOR:                 Muchas cosas en la vida son seguras y efectivas. Las drogas genéricas son una de ellas. El gobierno de los Estados Unidos a través de la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos, la FDA, controla y aprueba cuidadosamente el rendimiento y calidad de cada droga que es puesta a la venta. Un proceso muy exigente y de varias etapas, desde la fabricación hasta el etiquetado.

VOZ 1:                        ¡Drogas genéricas!

VOZ 2:                        (CON MUCHA CONFIANZA) ¡Seguras y efectivas!

VOZ 1:                        (PAUSA) ¿Y si invito a tu novia a cenar?

VOZ 2:                        (SARCASTICAMENTE) Eh…no tan seguro y efectivo, para tí...


LOCUTOR:                 Si quiere saber más sobre la seguridad y eficacia de las

drogas genéricas, hable con su médico o farmacéutico

 y llame al 1-888-463-6332. O visite www.fda.gov.

Consumer Education: Generic Drugs

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Date created: 12/12/2003

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