BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Colombia Local time: 06:42 AM

Business Network Directory

Business Network Directory

The Business Network Directory promotes business development and subcontracting relationships on both the national and international level, with a complete commitment to increasing the competitiveness level of businesses, which is required to promote business alliances.

Once you are registered with this program, you will begin to receive the services that the Network offers such as:

  • Information on government bids on the national level, and assemblies and supply and demand issues on the national and international levels;
  • Invitations to fairs, forums, events, business conferences and supplier shows so that you can participate in them;
  • Organization of business events for missions and planned visits of executives;
  • Support for companies that seek national and international suppliers;
  • Location of consultants and business advisors;
  • The same ad that will appear in the directory will also appear on the Internet in English and in Spanish with a direct link to your website and e-mail;
  • The directory will be distributed free of charge to companies, industrial businesses and chambers of commerce.

For additional information please visit the following website: or send an e-mail to: Monica Gomez