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Colorado River Basin Natural Flow and Salt Data
Supporting Data for Natural Salt Computation

Natural Flow & Salt Data Index
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Current Natural Flow and Salt Data
      Natural Flow Supporting Data
      Natural Salt Supporting Data

Previous Natural Flow and Salt Data


  • Historic total dissolved salt data (Excel, 3.4 MB) as computed by the USGS. The SLOAD program (PDF, 3.5 MB) used by the US Geological Survey provides continuous total dissolved solids data based on continuous EC and multiple grab samples.

  • Annual salt load (tons) contributed by the
    irrigated agriculture as provided by previous studies. Reclamation is actively exploring the
    origination of these data and research has begun to improve these estimates. Further information regarding this work is available from the Water Quality Group of the Upper Colorado Regional Office.

  • Monthly salt load (tons) removed by exports are calculated as the historic diversion times a representative concentration for each individual diversion. Further information is available from the Water Quality Group of the Upper Colorado Regional Office.

Webmaster: Janie Jo Smith
Updated: September 2008