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recombinant CD40-ligand
A recombinant therapeutic agent which is chemically identical to or similar to CD40-ligand. CD40-ligand, also known as CD40L/TRAP and CD154, is a type II membrane protein which binds to CD40, a cell surface receptor that belongs to the tumor necrosis factor receptor family; CD40 is expressed on B lymphocytes, monocytes, dendritic cells (DC), hematopoietic progenitors, endothelial cells and epithelial cells. Recombinant CD40-ligand may be used to activate DC ex vivo via CD40 binding; CD40-ligand-activated DC may provide or augment a protective antitumor immunity when administered in dendritic cell cancer vaccines. Check for active clinical trials or closed clinical trials using this agent. (NCI Thesaurus)

Synonyms:CD154 antigen
gp39 cytokine
T-cell antigen gp39
TNF-related activation protein
TRAP ligand
rhu CD40L

Previous:recombinant adenovirus-hIFN-beta, recombinant adenovirus-interferon SCH 721015, recombinant adenovirus-L523S vaccine, recombinant adenovirus-p53 SCH-58500, recombinant bispecific single-chain antibody rM28
Next:recombinant dHER2 vaccine, recombinant flt3 ligand, recombinant fowlpox GM-CSF vaccine adjuvant, recombinant fowlpox-B7.1 vaccine, recombinant fowlpox-CEA(6D)/TRICOM vaccine

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health