

Dear _________:

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is developing a report for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission that will evaluate environmental impacts of relicensing of nuclear power plants. Information on 118 reactors at 74 sites in the U.S. is being gathered to evaluate potential impacts from relicensing and an additional 20 or more year relicense period (beginning 40 years after the original license).

The results of this study will be used to modify 10 CFR 51 "Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions." These modifications may result in some issues no longer being considered for nuclear plants in National Environmental Protection Agency evaluations at their time of relicensing. Therefore, it is important that we obtain information from your office to help in evaluating any impacts of nuclear plants in your state with regard to fish and wildlife resources.

We would appreciate any information you may have on existing impacts and on the presence of important fish and wildlife resources that may be affected by continued operation of the ________ Nuclear Plant(s) and their power lines. For your convenience, a list of such resources and potential impacts is attached.

We would like to have your response by June 30, so that we can use the information in preparing the draft report. Thank you for your assistance.

Glenn F. Cada
Aquatic Ecologist
Bldg. 1505, MS-6036
Phone: 615/574-7320
Roger L. Kroodsma
Terrestrial Ecologist
Bldg. 1505, MS-6038
Phone: 615/574-7310

List of Important Fish and Wildlife Resources and Potential or Known Impacts

F.1 Example information request letter sent to state fish and wildlife resource agencies, state water pollution control agencies, and regions of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, and Environmental Protection Agency.

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