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Lao Diaspora

Sabaidee Luang Prabang is the very first feature Lao film ever made in Laos since the fall of the royal government, more than 30 years ago.
Gold Medalist
“I am very satisfied, very happy and honored to be the first female Laotian to represent France and I’ll never forget who I am and my origin.”
Senator McCain (left) and Governor Palin campaigning in Iowa 18 Sep 2008
The purpose of the convention is to gather Laotian American around the United States to promote and endorse John McCain for the President and Sarah Palin for the Vice-President of the 2008 National Presidential Election.
Team Work
”I only have a year of English lesson before taking a normal life, as a working class people just like others who come to this country," said Oudone.
Sarah Palin’s speech created a new wave and a wake up call for Republicans and Independence supporter as well ho are female and those that have a similar background.
American politics is the talk of the town and very crucial at this stage because the world is watching every step of the way any development in the up-coming presidential election.
"I am very proud to be the first Lao-American athlete to have come this far. I have not only made a name for myself, but also for my family, my community and my country. And I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of Team USA."