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Diseases & Conditions Results: 11-20 of 20 Web Pages
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Pain (PDQ®)

Help for the cancer patient with issues related to taking care of pain -- why it is important and common worries that may keep a patient from seeking relief. Also offers a guide for talking with a d... Details >

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Pain Assessment  External Link

Expect your doctor or nurse to ask about your pain and pain relief at each visit: If they do not ask, and you are experiencing pain, tell them. The better you describe the pain, how it affects your li... Details >

American Pain Foundation  External Link

Pain Control: A Guide for People with Cancer and Their Families

A guide from the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute that answers questions about pain control. Written for cancer patients, their families, and their friends, the material in t... Details >

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Pain Question and Answer  External Link

This page links to frequently asked questions about pain - answered by Dr. Scott Fishman, member of APF's Board of Directors. The information on this website is provided to help users find answers and... Details >

American Pain Foundation  External Link

Pain: If You Are In Crisis  External Link

Chronic pain can be emotionally and financially devastating. This page provides resources to help you find emotional support and help for your pain.... Details >

American Pain Foundation  External Link

Polymyalgia Rheumatica  External Link

Like most people, you're probably stiff and sore occasionally — maybe after a strenuous hike or a weekend of yard-work. Now imagine feeling that way all of the time. That's what it's like to live with... Details >

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research  External Link

Psychology of Pain -- Arthritis Pain  External Link

Painful arthritis attacks can prompt feelings of depression, sadness and loss. Frustration and anger also are normal responses to any chronic pain condition, including arthritis. However, because the ... Details >

The National Pain Foundation  External Link

Questions and Answers About Using Magnets To Treat Pain

This Research Report provides an overview of the use of magnets for pain, summarizes current scientific knowledge about their effectiveness for this purpose, and suggests additional sources of informa... Details >

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health

Study Links Chronic Pain to Signals in the Brain

A new study shows that two proteins in the brain trigger the neuronal changes that amplify and sustain this type of pain. The finding may lead to new ways of treating chronic pain. ... Details >

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Understanding Cancer Pain

Also available in: Spanish 

This booklet is designed to give you important information about pain related to cancer. It will help you understand why patients have pain, the different ways pain can be treated, and what you need t... Details >

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health