News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California



Cardoza Speaks Out On House Floor In Support of Rep. Eshoo’s Amendment To 2006 Foreign Relations Authorization Bill

July 20, 2005
CONTACT:  John Bray
(202) 225-6131

WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Dennis Cardoza today voiced his strong support for an amendment to the 2006 Foreign Relations Authorization Bill expressing the desire of Congress that special attention be paid to the welfare of Assyrians in Iraq.  The amendment – which comes on the heels of Cardoza’s recent letter urging the White House to ensure constitutional protections for Assyrians in post-war Iraq – passed the U.S. House of Representatives today.  


The measure calls on the Bush Administration to use its diplomatic leverage to ensure that the new Iraqi government respects the rights of all Iraqis, regardless of sex or religious affiliation. It also calls on the Administration to allocate USAID funds for the welfare and resettlement of Assyrians and other Christian groups in Iraq.


“The Eshoo amendment is consistent with my recent work on this issue, including a letter I sent on July 6th to the Bush Administration asking that the rights of Assyrians and Christians in Iraq be protected in the new Iraqi constitution,” said Cardoza. “Like my colleague Representative Eshoo, I represent a large Assyrian community in my Congressional district in central California. Since the January 2005 elections, many in the community have expressed deep concerns over the direction of Iraq’s constitutional process.”


“Throughout history, the Assyrian people have suffered greatly in their attempts to obtain greater freedom and recognition.  Despite this oppression, the Assyrians were essential partners in the Iraqi opposition movement, and paid dearly with the assassination of many political leaders under Saddam Hussein’s regime. We must make certain that the ethnic and religious groups that suffered and sacrificed under Saddam’s regime are afforded human rights guarantees in the permanent constitution,” said Cardoza.



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