Los Alamos National Laboratory

Beason speaks at Memorial Day breakfast; Veterans Hall is dedicated

By Krista D. Black

May 26, 2006

Lab veterans gathered Thursday in the Otowi Building cafeteria for a Memorial Day breakfast and the dedication of a “Veterans Hall.”

Doug Beason, associate director for threat reduction (ADTR) was the guest speaker. Beason discussed the reasons people fight for their country and remembered some of his experiences in the US Air Force Academy. He especially focused on the bonds that are formed between soldiers who fight side by side and the code of ethics required to maintain the trust necessary to sustain this bond. He said, “Here in Los Alamos, we are about to step into a new era with LANS that has at its core the ethics of responsibility, attention to detail, and service beyond self.” Beason said, “We as veterans can embrace this code.”

Don Cobb, acting deputy Laboratory director, opened the morning’s events with a brief talk reminding attendees that the Laboratory originated during war-time. He said, “The strength of this country is in its people and the veterans of this lab.”

Heather Hull also attended Thursday’s talk and dedication. In 2000, Hull was able to bring “The Wall That Heals” to Los Alamos for five days. During this time, more than 15,000 people saw the wall and left mementos and memorabilia. Hull, now a student at the University of Colorado at Boulder, discussed the process that led to the wall’s arrival in Los Alamos, saying, “It was a privilege for me to work with everyone at the lab, especially the veterans.”

Hull then revealed six display cases in the new “Veterans Hall” that contain items left at “The Wall That Heals.” One of the center cases contains a cross with a pair of combat boots draped over it. The cases also contain items from the beginning of Hull’s journey to bring the wall to Los Alamos, articles, photographs, POW bracelets, personal letters and letters from school groups.

The Laboratory’s Veterans Interest Group and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (HR-OEOD) co-sponsored the no-host breakfast and talk and dedication.

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