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"Staffing for the valleys" is another MFE euphemism that needs alot more explanation or thought. What is the "valley"? In theory that is zero workload or zero funding, and therefore zero employees, in which case Reclamation needs zero managers.

If the "valley" is some amount above zero, like 1, how can a workload above that be managed? If all parts of BOR are staffed for the valleys there can be no distribution of work by the COG since no other part of the 'organzation' will be able to handle additional work, including contracting the work out, since contracting requires staff-time to carry it out. Perhaps staffing for the employee level the program funding allows for should be the base. Or perhaps the average annual workload for the past 4 years should be used which would allow for flucuations due to unforseen events like dam failures which we (will) have more of, changes in political adminstration, core capability, retirements etc. Otherwise "staffing for the valleys" is Management of Extinction not Excellence. This course would mean managers would really have to manage though.