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The managing for excellence action plan seems to be missing the Reclamations Goals and how they relate to the plan. Not just the general Reclamation mission and vision statement, but the specific goals and how we plan to use this plan to meet those goals. Without those, we are managing for poor performance.

e.g. Reclamation needs to meet our constituents CURRENT water and power needs by maintaining our existing dams, canals, pipelines. 30% of these dams/canals/pipelines could be more effectively managed by local water and power management agencies instead of Reclamation

e.g. Reclamation needs to meet our constituents FUTURE water needs by supplying another 1,000,000 acre-feet of water by 2030, 1/4 of which needs to come from conservation, 1/4 from dams, 1/4 from water reuse, and 1/4 from seawater or brackish water desal.