[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 31, Volume 1]
[Revised as of July 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 31CFR128.23]

[Page 407-408]
                       DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
            Subpart C--Reports on Foreign Currency Positions
Sec. 128.23  Special survey reports.

    The Secretary may prescribe special survey reports with respect to 
foreign exchange positions and related information at such times as the 
Secretary determines that there is a need for prompt or expanded 
information on

[[Page 408]]

current conditions in the foreign exchange markets. Notice of special 
survey reports will be published in accordance with Sec. 128.1(c).

Appendix A to Part 128--Determination Made by National Advisory Council 
             Pursuant to Section 2 (a) and (b) of E.O. 10033

I. Determination of the National Advisory Council pursuant to E.O. 10033

    In an action dated September 7, 1965, the National Advisory Council 
on International Monetary and Financial Problems made the following 
determination pursuant to section 2(a) of E.O. 10033 of February 8, 
    Action 65 (E.O.)-49. The National Advisory Council, having consulted 
with the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, determines the current 
information with respect to international capital movements, derived 
from data on U.S. liabilities to and claims on foreigners and 
transactions in securities with foreigners, and current information with 
respect to U.S. gold holdings, foreign-currency holdings, and dollar 
liabilities to foreigners, are essential in order that the United States 
may comply with official requests of the International Monetary Fund for 
information with respect to the U.S. balance of payments and monetary 
    Action No. 320, March 17, 1949 is superseded by this determination 
and is hereby revoked.
    II. Designation of the Treasury Department by the Director of the 
Bureau of the Budget pursuant to section 2(b) of E.O. 10033.
    On December 1, 1965, the Treasury Department was designated, 
pursuant to section 2(b) of E.O. 10033 of February 8, 1949, to collect 
information for the International Monetary Fund under the National 
Advisory Council determination of September 7, 1965. The letter 
containing the designation reads as follows:

                            December 1, 1965.

Hon. Henry H. Fowler,
Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, DC 20220.

    Dear Mr. Secretary: On September 7, 1965, the National Advisory 
Council after consultation with this Bureau in accordance with section 
2(a) of Executive Order 10033, made the following determination (Action 
65 (E.O.)-49:
    ``The National Advisory Council, having consulted with the Director 
of the Bureau of the Budget, determines that current information with 
respect to international capital movements, derived from data on U.S. 
liabilities to claims on foreigners and transactions in securities with 
foreigners, and current information with respect to U.S. gold holdings, 
foreign-currency holdings, and dollar liabilities to foreigners, are 
essential in order that the United States may comply with official 
requests of the International Monetary Fund for information with respect 
to the U.S. balance of payments and monetary reserves.''
    It is hereby determined pursuant to section 2(b) of Executive Order 
10033, that the Treasury Department shall collect information pertaining 
to capital movements between the United States and foreign countries and 
pertaining to the monetary reserves of the United States, except 
information pertaining to direct-investment transactions, U.S. 
Government foreign lending operations, and claims and liabilities of 
U.S. Government agencies (other than public debt obligations), which is 
collected by the Department of Commerce.
    This letter supersedes the earlier determination as to the 
responsibilities of the Treasury Department in this area, dated April 
21, 1949, as amended May 4, 1950.

                            Sincerely yours,

Raymond T. Bowman,
Assistant Director for Statistical Standards.