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Performance-Based Management

Performance-Based Management is a process to drive the laboratory improvement agendas and to ensure sustained laboratory performance excellence in key mission areas. Implementation is through:

1.      Critical outcomes and management system and institutional initiatives focused on areas of strategic importance, underlying performance objectives and associated performance measures. All of which are developed in full partnership with key stakeholders,

2.      Clear roles, responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities,

3.      Self-assessment as the primary mechanism for performance measurement and continuous improvement by all parties,

4.      Independent oversight is used to validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the self-assessment process,

5.      Alignment of rewards and performance results.

Questions and concerns should be brought to the attention of Roy Lebel.

Questions and concerns about the development of the FY06 Contractual Performance Measures should be brought to the attention John Usher.

Questions and concerns about the change control process for contractual performance measures should be brought to the attention of Teresa Baker.

FY05 Performance Summary

A key mechanism for evaluating Laboratory performance is the monitoring of contractual measures, management system performance, institutional data and risk measures.  The following documents are the quarterly performance summaries for FY05.

First Quarter FY05 Performance Summary

Second Quarter FY05 Performance Summary

Third Quarter FY05 Performance Summary

Third Quarter FY05 Operations Risk Package

Questions and concerns about the quarterly performance summary and corporate assurance risk packages should be brought to the attention of Teresa Baker.

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Last Modified: July 1, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Courtney Patterson