FY 2006 Publications

  Author(s) / Report Title / Publication Number / Date
H. Akkurt, J. C. Wagner, and K. F. Eckerman, "Handheld Instruments for Landmine Detection: View from Radiation Dosimetry," presented at the 2006 Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 23-25, 2006.
I. Baek, R. M. Ronningen, I. Remec, and S. Reyes, “Simulations for Bulk Shielding Design Around Rare Isotope Accelerator Targets,” in Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society’s 14th Biennial Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division, pp. 127–138, Carlsbad, New Mexico, April 3–6, 2006.
K. T. Clarno, M. L. Williams, J. C. Gehin, C. Cotton, D. Lee, and T. Downar, "Code-to-Code Benchmark of Coolant Void Reactivity (CVR) in the ACR-700 Reactor," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 93, 372-375 (2005).
B. L. Broadhead, C. M. Hopper, and J. J. Wagschal, "Sensitivity of Adjusted Responses to Parameter and Response Uncertainties," presented at PHYSOR 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 10-14, 2006.
I. C. Gauld and J. C. Wagner, "Country Report Status of Burnup Credit in the United States," presented at the PIE Workshop, Rez, Czech Republic, May 11-12, 2006
S. Goluoglu and M. L. Williams, "Modeling Doubly Heterogeneous Systems in SCALE," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 93, 963-965 (2005).
S. Goluoglu, "Analysis of a Computational Benchmark for a High-Temperature Reactor Using SCALE ," presented at PHYSOR 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 10-14, 2006.
J. G. Hosking, T. D. Newton, O. Köberl, P. Morris, S. Goluoglu, T. Tombakoglu, U. Colak, and E. Sartori, "Analysis of an OECD/NEA High-Temperature Reactor Benchmark," presented at PHYSOR 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 10-14, 2006.
D. Ilas , F. Rahnema, D. Serghiuta, H. Sarsour, P. J. Turinsky, and R. Stamm’ler, "Reconstruction of Intra-Bundle Fission Density Profile during a Postulated LOCA in a CANDU Reactor," presented at PHYSOR 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 10-14, 2006.
J. O. Johnson, C. O. Slater, and E. D. Blakeman, “Preliminary Investigations into Lunar Surface Power Reactor Shielding Strategies,” in Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society’s 14th Biennial Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division, pp. 319–321, Carlsbad, New Mexico, April 3–6, 2006.
R. A. Lillie, D. E. Peplow, M. L. Williams, B. L. Kirk, M. P. Langer, T. L. Nichols, and Y. Y. Azmy, "Photon Beam Transport in a Voxelized Human Phantom Model: Discrete Ordinates vs Monte Carlo," in Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society's 14th Biennial Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division, pp. 68-71, Carlsbad, New Mexico, April 2-6, 2006.
D. E. Mueller and G. A. Harms, "Using the SCALE 5 TSUNAMI-3D Sequence in Critical Experiment Design," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 93, 263-266 (2005).
C. V. Parks, J. C. Wagner, and D. E. Mueller, "Full Burnup Credit in Transport and Storage Casks: Benefits and Implementation," Proc. of the International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, Las Vegas, NV, April 30-May 4, 2006, pp. 1299-1308.
D. E. Peplow and J. C. Wagner, "Automated Variance Reduction for SCALE Shielding Calculations," in Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society's 14th Biennial Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division, pp. 556-558, Carlsbad, New Mexico, April 3-6, 2006.
I. Remec, B. J. Frame, N. C. Gallego, S. B. Guetersloh, and L. K. Mansur, “Simulation of 160 Ions Fragmentation at the 0.6 GeV/u and 1 GeV/u,” in Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society’s 14th Biennial Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division, pp. 322–324, Carlsbad, New Mexico, April 3–6, 2006.
C. O. Slater, Development and Testing of the FALSTF3D Last-Flight Estimation Computer Code, ORNL/TM-2006/42, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn., May 2006.
C. O. Slater, D. L. Selby, J. A. Bucholz, J. L. Robertson, and M. L. Crow, “Shielding Calculations for the Upgrade of the HFIR HB2 Beam Line,” J. ASTM International 3(6), (2006).
J. J. Wagschal and C. M. Hopper, "Determination of Consistent Benchmarks Used for Nuclear Criticality Safety Analysis Applications," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 93, 257-259 (2005).
C. F. Weber and C. M. Hopper, "Application of the Pitzer Method for Modeling Densities of Actinide Solutions in the SCALE Code System," Nucl. Technol. 153, 1-8 (January 2006).
M. L. Williams, J. C. Gehin, and K. T. Klarno, "Sensitivity Analysis of Reactivity Responses Using One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates and Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Methods," presented at PHYSOR 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 10-14, 2006.
Z. Zhong, T. J. Downar, M. D. DeHart, and M. L. Williams, "Parallelization in SCALE Continuous-Energy Resonance Module GEMINEWTRN and Transport Module NEWT," presented at PHYSOR 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 10-14, 2006.

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