D. Ilas, B. L. Kirk, and J. B. Manneschmidt, "Development of a Database of Dosimetry Benchmarks for Radiation Transport," Proc. SATIF-9, April 21-23, 2008, Oak Ridge, TN.

D. Ilas, K. Eckerman, S. Sherbini, and H. Karagiannis, "Dose Assessments to the Hands of Radiopharmaceutical Workers," presented at ICRS-11/RPSD-2008, Pine Mountain, GA, April 13-18, 2008.


D. Ilas, M. L. Williams, D. E. Peplow, and B. L. Kirk, "Multidimensional Coupled Photon-Electron Transport Simulations Using Neutral Particle SN Codes," presented at the Computational Medical Physics Working Group Workshop II, Gainesville, FL, September 30-October 3, 2007.

R. N. Slaybaugh, M. L. Williams, D. Ilas, D. E. Peplow, B. L. Kirk, T. L. Nichols, Y. Y. Azmy, and M. P. Langer, "Radiation Treatment Planning Using Discrete Ordinates Codes," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 96, 343-345 (2007).


D. Ilas and J. C. Wagner, "TORTSQ -- A SCALE Sequence for 3-D Discrete Ordinates Calculations," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 95, 667-668 (2006).

D. Ilas , F. Rahnema, D. Serghiuta, H. Sarsour, P. J. Turinsky, and R. Stamm’ler, "Reconstruction of Intra-Bundle Fission Density Profile During a Postulated LOCA in a CANDU Reactor," presented at PHYSOR 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 10-14, 2006.


M. L. Williams, D. Ilas, E. Sajo, D. B. Jones, and K. E. Watkins, “Deterministic Photon Transport Calculations in General Geometry for External Beam Radiation Therapy,” Med. Phys. 30, 3183-3195 (2003).

D. Ilas and F. Rahnema, “A Heterogeneous Coarse Mesh Transport Method,” Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 32(5-7), 445-471 (2003).


F. Rahnema, S. Mosher, D. Ilas, C. de Oliveira, M. Eaton, and R. Stamm’ler, “Criticality Analysis of CANDU Fuel with EVENT/HELIOS,” 22nd Nuclear Simulation Symposium: “Nuclear Power Reactors - Step Into the Future,” Ottawa, Canada, November 2002.


D. Ilas and F. Rahnema, “An Improved Coarse Mesh Transport Method for Criticality Calculations,” (invited) ANS Transactions 85, 285 (2001).

D. Ilas and F. Rahnema, “A Coarse Mesh Transport Method for Heterogeneous Systems,” International Conference on Mathematical Methods to Nuclear Applications, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, September 9-13, 2001.


F. Rahnema, G. Pomraning, and D. Ilas, “Wigner-Seitz Cell Approximation – Revisited” (invited), Proc. International Conference on Mathematics and Computation, Reactor Physics, and Environmental Analysis in Nuclear Applications, Madrid, Spain, September 27-30, 1999.


D. Ilas and F. Rahnema, “HELIOS Library Benchmark for BWR Analysis,” ANS Transactions 76, 370 (1997).

F. Rahnema, D. Ilas, and S. Sitaraman, “BWR Benchmark Calculations,” Nuclear Technology, 117(2), 184 (1997).


“Rehomogenization of Cross Sections in PANACEA by Flux Modulation,” presented at General Electric, Wilmington, NC, 1998.



D. Ilas and M.L. Williams, Comparison of Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Transport Models for Predicting Radiation Exposure Above a BWR Core, Louisiana State University, EPRI report, 2004.


F. Rahnema and Dan Ilas, An Advanced Two-Group Diffusion Theory Model for PANACEA, Georgia Institute of Technology, Final Technical Report prepared for GE Nuclear Energy, 1998.


I. Garlea, D. Ene, D. Mocioiu, and D. Ilas, Evaluation of Radioactivity of the Immersed Components for Decommissioning of the Magurele VVR-S Research Reactor, Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, 1995.


I. Garlea, D. Ene, D. Mocioiu, and D. Ilas, Transport Computations for the Use of Boron Carbide for Fast Breeder Reactors Control, Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, 1992.


D. Ilas, The Effect of the Fluctuation of Different Parameters on the Fuel Burnup for a CANDU Reactor, End of Junior Stage Paper, Institute of Nuclear Power Reactors, Pitesti, Romania, 1989.

D. Ilas, et al., The Influence of Xenon Accumulation on the Power Level of a CANDU Reactor, Institute of Nuclear Power Reactors, Pitesti, Romania, 1989.


D. Ilas, et al., Simulation of the Shut-Down System #1 Test. Coverage of the Working Scenario with Values, RI-2453, Institute of Nuclear Power Reactors, Pitesti, Romania, 1988.


I. Dumitrache, D. Ilas, et al., Adjustor Rod Design for CNE Cernavoda 2, RI-2152, Institute of Nuclear Power Reactors, Pitesti, Romania, 1986.