From: Subject: Miller Bio Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 12:55:50 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file://C:\Documents and Settings\w4v\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK101\Miller_Bio.htm X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3028 Miller = Bio

Thomas M. Miller is an associate research and = development=20 staff member of the Radiation Transport and Criticality (RTC) Group = within the=20 Nuclear Science and Technology Division (NSTD) at Oak Ridge National = Laboratory=20 (ORNL).  He received a = B.S, M.S.,=20 and Ph.D. all from the University of Tennessee in 1999, 2001, and = 2004,=20 respectively.  His Ph.D.=20 dissertation, which was sponsored by NASA=92s Marshal Space Flight = Center (MSFC)=20 in Huntsville, = Alabama, via NASA=92s Graduate = Student Research=20 Program (GSRP), involved creating an event generator to model the = particle=20 production of nucleus-nucleus collisions for nuclei as heavy as lead = with=20 energies up to 22.5 GeV.  This event generator was then=20 incorporated into the code HETC, which is a high energy proton and = neutron=20 Monte Carlo radiation transport code, = to create=20 HETC-HEDS.  While working = on his=20 M.S. degree, he was a graduate research assistant in the Applied Physics = Group=20 in the Computational Physics and Engineering Division of ORNL.  His master's thesis involved = performing=20 bulk shielding design calculations with SN and Monte Carlo = methods=20 for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) = around the=20 mercury target and along the neutron beam lines.  This work assisted in the = design of the=20 neutron beam line shutters and uninstrumented neutron=20 beam line plugs.  After = graduate=20 school, Dr. Miller worked at the Bettis = Atomic Power=20 Laboratory in West = Mifflin,=20 Pennsylvania, in the = Shield Design=20 and Development Group.  At = Bettis, he used SN and Monte Carlo = codes to design=20 shielding for the U. S. Naval Reactors Program, developed=20 tools to create high order arbitrarily biased quadratures, and was the Bettis lead shielding design engineer for NASA=92s = JIMO/Prometheus Project.  = Dr. Miller=20 joined the RTC Group in October 2006. =20 His research interests include deterministic and Monte Carlo = transport=20 methods, particularly for charged particle transport, criticality = safety, and=20 radiation shielding.  He = is an=20 active member of the local and national American Nuclear Society (ANS), = and is a=20 member of the ANS Mathematics and Computation, Nuclear Criticality = Safety,=20 Radiation Protection and Shielding, and Aerospace Nuclear Science and = Technology=20 Divisions.