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The Fisheries and Wildlife Resources Group
Technical Reports and Recent Studies

Steve Hiebert, Group Manager, shiebert@do.usbr.gov, 303-445-2206

The covers of several peer reviewed technical reports written by Fisheries and Wildlife Resources Group scientists. We take pride in the quality and timeliness of our peer-reviewed technical reports. Click on the authors names below to view our recent technical reports, or scroll down. Reports are available for download as Adobe Acrobat PDF files; however some of these files are large and will download slowly over dial up Internet connections. Contact the webmaster to request a printed copy or a CD-R version.
Ray Bark

Mark Bowen, Ph.D.

Jeanette Carpenter , Ph.D.
Fishery Biologist, USGS
Doug Craft
Research Chemist

Steve Hiebert
86-68290 Group Manager

Vicky Johanson
Biologist, SAIC

Cathy Karp
Dave Moore
Wildlife Biologist
Chelsie Morris
Don Portz, Ph.D.
Fishery Biologist
Greg Reed
Natural Resources Specialist
Stephen Ryan
Biologist, SAIC
Rebecca Siegle
Natural Resources Specialist
Zak Sutphin
Ron Sutton
Rinda Tisdale-Hein
Charles Liston, Ph.D.
Ongoing and
Recent Studies


Ongoing and Recent Studies

  • Strobe Light Efficacy Testing at Reclamation Power Generation Facilities
  • Evaluation of Electric Barriers to Decrease Threatened Species Entrainment
  • Endangered Pallid Sturgeon and Threatened Bull Trout / Steelhead Radio-telemetry Monitoring
  • Morphological Response of Threatened and Endangered Native Fishes to Cyprinid Predation
  • Nitrogen Supersaturation and Gas Bubble Trauma Investigations, CO and MT
  • Stress-Associated Impacts of Short-Term Holding on Estuarine Fishes
  • Subsurface Flow, Spring Chinook Egg Survival, and Dam Operations
  • Video vs. Human Observers of Fish Counting in a Brazilian Fish Ladder
  • Discharge, Habitat, Geographical Information System and Listed Steelhead Recovery, WA
  • Ecosystem Diagnostic Treatment (EDT) Validation and Sensitivity Analysis
  • Mathematical Model Development and Validation of Fish Behavior Near a Fish Screen
  • Threatened Delta Smelt Salvage Efficiency and Water Delivery Operations, Tracy , CA
  • Evaluation of Photonic and Calcein Batch Marking Agents on Listed Species
  • Species of Special Concern Habitat Utilization in Fluctuating Reservoirs
  • Native Fish Recovery Monitoring, Lower Colorado River
  • Gulf Sturgeon Ecology in Florida Rivers
  • Biotelemetry of Large Predators at Tracy Fish Salvage Facility
  • Monitoring of Middle Columbia River Steelhead through Reclamation Canals in Oregon
  • Fish Passage and Condition Through Large Hidrostal Pumps
  • Fish Community Studies in the Yakima , Yellowstone , and Rio Grande Rivers
  • Water Quality and Mercury in Lake Owyhee , Southeastern Oregon
  • Mercury in the Carson River Basin , California and Nevada
  • Reservoir Sediment-Water Microcosm Simulation, Ridgway , Colorado
  • Dam Seepage Geochemistry and Mineral Dissolution at Horsetooth Dam, CO
  • Dam Seepage Geochemistry and MIneral Dissolution at Clark Canyon Dam, MT
  • Water Quality and Chemistry at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility

Ray Bark, Biologist

Helfrich, L., C. Liston, B. Mefford, and R. Bark, 2000. Assessment of Survival and Condition of Fish passed through a Hidrostal Pump at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility, California, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 16, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 18 pp.

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Helfrich, L.A., Bark, R., Liston, C.R., and B. Mefford, 2003. Survival and Condition of Striped Bass, Steelhead, Delta Smelt, and Wakasagi Passed through a Hidrostal Pump at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility, Tracy, California, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 24, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 33 pp.

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Mark Bowen, Ph.D, Research Biologist

Bowen, M., S. Siegfried, C. Liston, L. Hess, and C. Karp. 1998. Fish Collections and Secondary Louver Efficiency at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility: October 1993 to September 1995, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 7, Mid-Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 40 pp.

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Haefner, J.W. and M.D. Bowen, 2002. Physical-based Model of Fish Movements in Fish Extraction Facilities. Ecological Modeling, 152, 227-245.

Journal Reprint: Contact Mark Bowen for reprint copy.

Bowen, M.D., Baskerville-Bridges, B.B., Frizell, K.W., Hess, L., Carp, C.A., Siegfried, S.M., and S.L. Wynn, 2004. Empirical and Experimental Analyses of Secondary Louver Efficiency at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility, March 1996 to November 1997, Tracy Fish Facility Studies, Volume 11, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid Pacific Region, Denver Technical Service Center, 33 pp + Figures.

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Yoder, N.J., Bowen, M.D., Zehfuss, K.P., Hubble, J., Watson, B., and G.R. Blair, 2006. Systematic Sensitivity Analysis of the EDT Model Applied to Selected Fish Populations in the Yakima River Basin, Technical Memorandum 86-68290-11, U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Yakima Area Office, Yakima, Washington and Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, 69 pp.

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Jeanette Carpenter, Ph.D., Fishery Biologist, USGS

Mueller, G.A., J. Carpenter, and D. Thornbrugh. 2006. Bullfrog tadpole (Rana catesbeiana) and red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) predation on early life stages of endangered razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus). Southwestern Naturalist. 51:258-261.

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Carpenter, J. 2005. Competition for food between an introduced crayfish and two fishes endemic to the Colorado River basin . Environmental Biology of Fishes. 72:335-342.

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Carpenter, J. and J.W. Terrell. 2005. Effectiveness of fish barriers and renovations for maintaining and enhancing populations of native southwestern fishes. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Ecological Services, Phoenix . Interagency Agreement Number: 201814N756, CAP Fund Transfer Program Task 4-52. 111 pp.

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Terrell, J.W., and J. Carpenter (eds). 1997. Selected Habitat Suitability Index Model evaluations. Information and Technology Report USGS/BRD/ITR—1997-0005.

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Terrell, J.W., B.S. Cade, J. Carpenter, and J.M. Thompson. 1996. Modeling stream fish habitat limitations from wedge-shaped patterns of variation in standing stock. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 125:104-117.

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Carpenter, J. and O.E. Maughan. 1993. Macrohabitat of Sonora chub (Gila ditaenia) in Sycamore Creek, Santa Cruz County , Arizona . Journal of Freshwater Ecology 8:265-278.

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Doug Craft, Research Chemist

Craft, D., 1999, Summary and Interpretation of Chemistry Data for Reservoir, Seeps, and Groundwater from Horsetooth Dam, Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Ft. Collins, Colorado, Technical Memorandum D-8290/99-001, May 1999, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center and Dam Safety Office, Denver, Colorado.

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Siegfried, S., Craft, D., Hiebert, S. and M. Bowen, 2000. Continuous Monitoring of Fish Eggs and Larvae at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility, Tracy, California, February - June, 1994, Volume 6, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 30 pp + Appendices and Figures.

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Craft. D., Cannon, N., Zimmer, D., Krill, K., and L. DiMattia, 2000. Water Quality and Mercury in Lake Owyhee, Southeastern Oregon, Technical Report, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado and Pacific Northwest Regional Office, Boise, Idaho, 105 pp. + appendices..

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Craft, D., L. Mao, J. Fields, and B,. Moore, 2000. Chemistry and Water Quality at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility, California, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 9, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 28 pp + Appendices.

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Craft, D. and J. Miller, 2001. Reservoir Sediment-Water Microcosm Simulation: Pre-Impoundment Predictions vs. Observed Water Quality at Ridgway Reservoir, Ridgway, Colorado, Science and Technology Program Research Report, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado and Upper Colorado Regional Office, Salt lake City, Utah, 101 pp.

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Craft, D., 2002. Chemical Analyses Results for Crystal Reservoir Samples Collected on April 23, 2002, Technical Memorandum D-8290-2002-02, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, and Grand Junction Area Office, Grand Junction, Colorado, 11 pp.

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Craft, D. and R. Pearson, 2002. Horsetooth Seepage Chemistry: Analysis of Seepage Water Chemistry before and during Safety of Dams Modification Construction at Horsetooth Dam, Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Ft. Collins, Colorado, 1999-2001, Technical Memorandum D-8290-02-001, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center and Dam Safety Office, Denver, Colorado, 29 pp. + appendices.

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Craft, D., Housewright, R., Mao, L., and J. Fields, 2002. Semi-Continuous Water Quality Measurements at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility, Tracy, California, April 2000 to March 2001, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 17, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 22 pp. + Appendices.

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Craft, D., Housewright, R., and J. Fields, 2003. Semi-continuous Water Quality Measurements at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility, Tracy, California, April 2001 to March 2002, Volume 22, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, MP Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 66 pp. including appendix.

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Craft, D., Housewright, R., and J. Fields, 2004. Semi-Continuous Water Quality Measurements at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility, Tracy, California, April 2002 to March 2003. Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 26, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 43 pp.

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Craft, D., 2004. Interpretation of Chemistry Data from Seepage, Observation Well, and Reservoir Water Samples Collected at Horsetooth Dam during July 2004, Technical Memorandum No. 8290-04-02, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center and Dam Safety Office, Denver, Colorado, 18 pp.

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Craft, D., 2005. Interpretation of Chemistry Data from Seepage, Observation Well, and Reservoir Water Samples collected at Horsetooth Dam during June 2005, Technical Memorandum No. 8290-2005-02, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center and Dam Safety Office, Denver, Colorado, 23 pp.

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Craft, D., Fields, J. and N. Yoder, 2005. Mercury in the Cason River Basin, California and Nevada, Technical Memorandum TSC-2005-8290-001, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, and Mid-Pacific Regional Office, Sacramento, California, . 81 pp. + appendices.

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Craft, D. 2005. Seepage Chemistry Manual, Report DSO-05-03, Dam Safety Technology Development Program, Denver, Colorado, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, 75 pp. + appendices.

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Craft, D., 2006. Seepage Chemistry at Yellowtail Dam - A Geochemical Evaluation of Reservoir and Seepage Water and a Bacterial Residue Collected at Yellowtail Dam, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Project, Montana, Technical Memorandum 86-6829009, Dam Safety Office and Technical Service Center, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, 27 pp.

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Craft, D. Cain, C. and C. Sullivan, 2006. Seepage Geochemistry and Mineral Dissolution at Clark Canyon Dam, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Project, East Bench Unit, Montana, Technical Memorandum 86-6829010, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center and Dam Safety Office, Denver, Colorado, 48 pp.+ appendices.

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Craft, C.D., Pearson, R.M., and Hurcomb, D., 2007. Mineral Dissolution and Dam Seepage Chemistry - The Bureau of Reclamation Experience, Proceedings of the 2007 National Meeting, Dam Safety 2007, Austin Texas, Association of State Dam Safety Officials, Lexington, Kentucky.

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Steve Hiebert, Research Biologist and 86-68290 Group Manager

Hiebert, S., C. Liston, P. Johnson, C. Karp, L. Hess, 1995. Continuous Monitoring of Fish Eggs and Larvae, 1991-1992, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 2, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 55 pp.

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Hiebert, S., E. Holroyd III, and R. Wydoski, 1997. Field Testing and Evaluation of a Video Image Counting System for Fish Eggs in the Sacramento River, California, during May 1994, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 5, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 19 pp.

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Vicky Johanson, Biologist, SAIC

Johanson, V., Moore, D., and D. Ahlers, 2007. 2006 Yellow-billed Cuckoo Study Results San Marcial, New Mexico, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Albuquerque Area Office, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the Fisheries and Wildlife Resources Group, Denver, Colorado, 29 pp.

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Cathy Karp, Biologist

Karp, C., L. Hess and C. Liston, 1995. Re-evaluation of Louver Efficiencies for Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Striped Bass, 1993, Tracy Fish Facility Studies, Volume 3, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region and Denver Technical Services Center, 31 pp.

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Puckett, K., C. Liston, C. Karp, and L. Hess. 1996. Preliminary Examination of Factors that Influence Fish Salvage Estimates at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility, California, 1993 and 1994, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 4, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region and Denver Technical Services Center, 28 pp.

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Karp, C., L. Hess, J. Lyons, and C. Liston, 1997. Evaluation of the Sub-sampling Procedure to Estimate Fish Salvage at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility, Tracy, CA, 1993-1996, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 8, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 23 pp.

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Karp, C., Larrick, W., Johnston, M., and T. Dick, 2005. Steelhead Movements in the Upper Yakima
Basin, Winter 2003/2004
, Technical Memorandum 8290-05-01, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, and Yakima Area Office, Yakima, Washington, 70 pp.

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Charles Liston, Ph.D, Retired, Former Tracy Research Program Manager

Liston, C., C. Karp, L. Hess, and S. Hiebert, 1994. Predator Removal Activities and Intake Channel Studies, 1991-1992, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 1, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 54 pp..

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White, R., B. Mefford, and C. Liston, 2000. Evaluation of Mitten Crab Exclusion Technology during 1999 at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility, California, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 14, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, and USGS Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, Montana State University, 60 pp.

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Borthwick, S.M., and C.R. Liston, 2003. Survival and External Condition of 200 - 300 mm Rainbow Trout Passed through an Archimedes Lift and a Hidrostal Pump at Red Bluff Research Pumping Plant, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 25, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 33 pp.

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Dave Moore, Wildlife Biologist

Moore, D., 2005. Status and Monitoring of Southwestern Willow Flycatchers within Elephant Butte Reservoir, New Mexico, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, and Albuquerque Area Office, New Mexico, 34 pp. + appendices volumes.

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Moore, S.D., and D. Ahlers, 2005. 2005 Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Study Results - Selected Sites Along the Rio Grande From Velarde to Elephant Butte Reservoir, New Mexico, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, and Albuquerque Area Office, New Mexico, 66 pp.

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Moore, S.D., and D. Ahlers, 2006. 2006 Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Study Results - Selected Sites Along the Rio Grande From Velarde to Elephant Butte Reservoir, New Mexico, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, and Albuquerque Area Office, New Mexico, 77 pp.

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Chelsie Morris, Biologist

Morris, S., and R. Sutton, 2007. Flow Characterization Study - Instream Flow Assessment Hawley Creek and Eighteenmile Creek, Idaho, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, and Snake River Area Office Boise, Idaho, 171 pp.

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Don Portz, Ph.D, Research Fishery Biologist

Portz, D.E., Woodley, C.M., Cech, Jr., J.J., and C.R. Liston, 2005. Effects of Short-Term Holding of Fishes: A Synthesis and Review, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 29, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 85 pp.

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Portz, D.E., 2007. Fish-holding-associated Stress in Sacramento River Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) at South Delta Fish Salvage Operations: Effects on Plasma Constituents, Swimming Performance, and Predator Avoidance.  Doctoral Dissertation, University of California, Davis, 161 pp.

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Gregory Reed, Natural Resources Specialist

Nelson, S.M. and G. Reed, 2007. Effects of Jet Grouting on Wetland Invertebrates at Mormon Island Auxiliary Dam, Folsom, California, Technical Memorandum,U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Central California Area Office, Folsom, California, and Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, 35 pp.

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Siegle, R. and G. Reed, 2007. 2006 Monitoring Report for the Los Lunas Habitat Restoration Site, Technical Memorandum, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Albuquerque Area Office, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, 68 pp.

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Siegle, R, and G. Reed, 2007. Results of Soil Sampling Along the Middle Rio Grande, 2006 Report, Technical Memorandum, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Albuquerque Area Office, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, 32 pp.

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Stephen Ryan, Biologist, SAIC

Ryan, S., Moore, D. and R. Siegle, 2007. Results of Brown-Headed Cowbird Control Program Monitoring 1999-2006 – Final Report Alamo Lake State Wildlife Area and Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona, Technical Report, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Regional Office, Boulder City, Nevada, and Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, 53 pp.

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Rebecca Siegle, Natural Resources Specialist

Siegle. R., and D. Ahlers, 2004. Brown-headed Cowbird Management Techniques Manual, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, 78 pp.

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Siegle, R., 2006. 2005 Monitoring Report for the Los Lunas Habitat Restoration Site, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation, technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, and U.S. Department of Defense, Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque District, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 63 pp.

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Zak Sutphin, Biologist

Sutphin, Z.A., Bridges, B.B., Baskerville-Bridges, B. and R.C.Reyes, 2007. Evaluation of Current and Historical 10-Minute-Count Screens at The Tracy Fish Collection Facility, Tracy, California, , Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 31, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 45 pp.

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Sutphin, Zak, 2008. High Pressure Injection of a Photonic Marking Agent: Mark Retention and Effects on Survival in Juvenile Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis, and Adult Delta Smelt, Hypomesus transpacificus, Tracy Fish Collection Facility Studies, Volume 34, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid Pacific Region and Denver Technical Service Center, 21 pp.

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Ron Sutton, Biologist

Sutton, R., and C. Morris, 2006. Flow Characterization Study Instream Flow Assessment Upper Lemhi River and Canyon Creek, Idaho, U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Snake River Area Office, Boise, Idaho, 62 pp. + appendices.

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Sutton, R. J. 2002. Summer movements of desert pupfish among habitats at the Salton Sea. Hydrobiologia 473: 223-228.

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Sutton, R. J., C. A. Caldwell, and V. S. Blazer. 2000. Observations of health indices used to monitor a tailwater trout fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:267-275.

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Sutton, R. J., W. J. Miller, and S. J. Patti. 1997. Application of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology to a tropical river in Puerto Rico. Rivers 6 (1): 1-9.

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Sutton, R. 1997. Is the San Juan River trout fishery in jeopardy? New Mexico Wildlife. Pages 12-14.

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Sutton, R.J., M.L. Deas, S.K. Tanaka, T.Soto, and R.A. Corum. 2007. Salmonid observations at a Klamath River thermal refuge under various hydrological and meteorological conditions, River Research and Applications, Volume 23, Issue 7, Pages 775-785, September 2007.

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Sutton, R., 2007. Klamath River Thermal Refugia Study, 2006, Technical Memorandum No. 86-68290-01-07, U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation, Klamath Basin Area Office, Klamath Falls, Oregon, 37pp.

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Sutton, R., 2007. Rogue River Basin Project Coho Salmon Instream Flow Assessment, Technical Memorandum No. 86-68290-02-07, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Columbia Area Office, Portland, Oregon, and Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, 292 pp..

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Sutton, R., 2007. Klamath River Tributary Fish Passage Surveys, Technical Memorandum No. 86-68290-03-07, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Klamath Basin Area Office, Klamath Falls, Oregon, and Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, 37 pp..

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Sutton, R., 2007. Bear Creek Thermal Refugia Survey, 2007, Technical Memorandum No. 86-682900-04-07, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Columbia Area Office, Portland, Oregon, and Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, 24 pp..

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Rinda Tisdale-Hein, Biologist

Tisdale, Hein, R., 2006. Survey of Fish and Plant Species in Arch Wetland and Arkansas River at Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site Otero County, Colorado, National Park Service and U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado,, 14 pp.

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Tisdale-Hein, R. E. and R. L. Knight. 2003. Densities of brown-headed cowbirds in riparian and rangeland areas, with and without cattle present, along the middle Rio Grande, New Mexico. Studies in Avian Biology 26:152-156.

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This site updated August 4, 2008