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San Francisco Bay Area

The San Francisco Bay area has been identified in a recent report as a region where a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquake is likely to occur before the year 2032. The USGS has installed a variety of instruments that measure strain changes and fault slip near the many active earthquake faults in the area. These measurements are made at least every 10 minutes and are transmitted to the USGS in Menlo Park, CA. Maps of San Francisco Bay area instrument locations and plots of the most recent measurements are available on these pages.

Map of Instrument Sites

map key

Data Plots

Most instruments take measurements every 10-minutes. Seven day plots are updated every 30-minutes. Thirty day plots are updated daily.

Creepmeterspast 7-dayspast 30-days
Dilatometerspast 7-dayspast 30-days
DTM Tensor Strainmeterspast 7-dayspast 30-days
GTSM Tensor Strainmeterspast 7-dayspast 30-days
Tiltmeterspast 7-dayspast 30-days

The plots and data on this site are generated automatically and are not reviewed. They should not be used for engineering, legal, or any other critical applications.