U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

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Census Atlas of the United States

The Census Atlas of the United States is intended for a general-interest audience. It includes maps, figures, and text selected and organized to increase public understanding of population and housing characteristics across the U.S. and also to answer the map user’s natural question, How does my community compare with other communities?

The Census Atlas is a high-quality reference book, a systematic collection of information emphasizing spatial distribution and patterns from 1790 to 2000. The book uses the full range of topics from Census 2000 plus historical data that provide temporal context for Census 2000 population and housing results.

The Census Atlas gives a lively and coherent picture of the U.S. population and housing in a product that integrates text and figures with maps. The book illustrates what the Census Bureau does—collects data that provides a continuous record of the population and captures the cultural moment.

The Census Bureau has not published a statistical atlas since the 1920s. Downloadable PDFs files for the Atlas are also available.

Length: Over 300 pages
Price: $165.00
ISBN: 9781587690105
Census ISBN: 1-58769-010-1
Size: 12.25 x 15.25
Reference Atlas; Historical Geography; Social Sciences; Demography

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Census Atlas of the United States

Census Contact: Customer Services Center, 301-763-INFO (4636)

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center