U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

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1990 Redistricting Data (PL94-171)

Availability: Available on CD-ROM

Subject content: Provides adjusted population and housing tabulations, in accordance with P.L. 94-171, for all States, for legislative reapportionment and redistricting. For each area reported, the file provides a count of all persons and of persons 18 years of age and older. Both counts are cross-classified by five race categories. The file also contains a total (all ages) of persons of Hispanic origin and of those 18 years of age and older. In addition, the non-Hispanic origin balance of the population is cross-classified by five race categories for all persons and for those 18 years of age and older. The five race categories are White; Black; American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut; Asian or Pacific Islanders; and other. In addition, the file gives a count of all housing units.

Tabulations are based on the actual census enumeration but modified (adjusted) to reflect best estimates of people missed in the original enumeration. For more information on these modifications, read Appendix H. Adjustment of the Population Count.

Geography: States, counties, minor civil divisions/census county divisions, places (or place parts), census tracts/block numbering areas, blocks, State and/or county parts of American Indian and Alaska Native areas, voting districts for the District of Columbia and all States, except Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, and Oregon.

File format & Software: ZIPPed ASCII files

Census contact: Customer Services Center, 301-763-INFO(4636); Demographic Call Center (content), 301-763-2422, or toll-free at 1-866-758-1060

Census of Population and Housing: 1990. Redistricting Data Files (PL94-171) (ADJUSTED): US | CD-ROM containing adjusted data based on the actual 1990 enumeration adjusted to reflect best estimates of people missed in the original count. Provides population & housing tabulations, in accordance with Public Law 94-171, for all states, for legislative reapportionment and redistricting. For each area reported, the file provides a count of all persons and of persons 18 years of age and older. Both counts are cross-classified by five race categories | C1-D90-PLF2-06-US1

Census of Population and Housing: 1990. Redistricting Data Files (PL94-171): NJ/VT/VA | C1-D90-PLF1-09-001

Census of Population and Housing: 1990. Redistricting Data Files (PL94-171): AR/IN/LA/MS/SD/WY | C1-D90-PLF1-09-002

Census of Population and Housing: 1990. Redistricting Data Files (PL94-171): HI/MO/MT/NV/TX | C1-D90-PLF1-09-003

Census of Population and Housing: 1990. Redistricting Data Files (PL94-171): AL/DE/IL/NE/OK/OR | C1-D90-PLF1-09-004

Census of Population and Housing: 1990. Redistricting Data Files (PL94-171): CT/DC/MD/NC/OH/RI | C1-D90-PLF1-09-005

Census of Population and Housing: 1990. Redistricting Data Files (PL94-171): IA/KS/MN/PA | C1-D90-PLF1-09-006

Census of Population and Housing: 1990. Redistricting Data Files (PL94-171): CA/NY | C1-D90-PLF1-09-007

Census of Population and Housing: 1990. Redistricting Data Files (PL94-171): AZ/GA/MI/NH/ND/WI | C1-D90-PLF1-09-008

Census of Population and Housing: 1990. Redistricting Data Files (PL94-171): FL/KY/MA/NM/TN/UT | C1-D90-PLF1-09-009

Census of Population and Housing: 1990. Redistricting Data Files (PL94-171): AK/CO/ID/ME/SC/WA/WY | C1-D90-PLF1-09-010

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center