U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

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Census of Population and Housing, 1990 DVD, STF 4B: United States & District of Columbia

For the advanced user; product requires database skills. DVD copied from magnetic tape with detailed sample data (over 8,500 data cells) and limited 100% data from the 1990 census. Provides more detailed tables than Summary Tape File 3, on income, education, language spoken, units in structure, owner costs, commuting, & other subjects.

Like 4A & 4C, STF 4B has two sets of records: A & B. The A record has 123 population tables & 80 housing tables covering the total population in a given area (e.g., a county). It has 5 population tables & 1 housing table repeated for 37 race groups and 26 Hispanic groups (e.g., Cubans). The B record has 178 population & 85 housing tables repeated for up to 48 race & Hispanic groups.

STF 4B has data for a variety of geographic areas, most notably places of 2,500 or more. Also has data on the parts of American Indian areas within a state.

Users can also order all the tables for a particular subgroup.

Product ID: V1-D90-S4BS-02-US1

Data Format: ASCII Flat

System Requirements: None

Software Provided: None

Reference Geography: States, Counties, County subdivisions 2,500+ population, County subdivisions with less than 2,500 persons in an MSA/CMSA, Places with 2,500 +, Consolidated Cities, American Indian Reservations (with /without Trust Lands)

Contact: Demographic Call Center (content), 301-763-2422, or toll-free at 1-866-758-1060

Seller: CSC (301) 763-INFO (4636)

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center