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Since the Parkfield area is a region of fairly frequent, moderate sized earthquakes, the USGS has installed a variety of instruments that measure the strain changes and slip in this active area. On September 28, 2004 a Magnitude 6.0 earthquake occurred 11 kilometers southeast of the town of Parkfield. The USGS continues to monitor these instruments to document the deformation prior to, during, and after such events. The role that these earthquakes play in the eventual failure of the locked section of the San Andreas fault just to the south is also of great interest. Locations of the Parkfield monitoring sites and assoiated data plots of recent measurements are available on these pages.

Map of Instrument Sites

map key

Data Plots

Most instruments take measurements every 10-minutes. Seven day plots are updated every 30-minutes. Thirty day plots are updated daily.

Creepmeterspast 7-dayspast 30-days
Dilatometerspast 7-dayspast 30-days
GTSM Tensor Strainmeterspast 7-dayspast 30-days
Pore Pressurepast 7-dayspast 30-days

The plots and data on this site are generated automatically and are not reviewed. They should not be used for engineering, legal, or any other critical applications.