U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

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Census 2000 Printed Reports

The Census Bureau has released four series of printed reports from Census 2000. Most series include one report per state and a national summary volume. All reports are available in PDF format on the Census Bureau's web site. Printed reports purchased from the U.S. Government Printing Office.

Summary Population and Housing Characteristics (PHC-1). Contains information collected on a 100-percent basis. Presents information for states, counties, places, and other areas. Comparable to the 1990 CPH-1 report series, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics. Reports available online in PDF format and in print from the U.S. Government Printing Office (202-512-1800).

Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics (PHC-2). Contains information on the sample population and housing subjects. Presents information for states, counties, county subdivisions, and places. Reports available online in PDF format and in print from the U.S. Government Printing Office (202-512-1800). Appendices are available as a separate volume and are sold by the GPO (S/N: 003-024-09044-9).

Population and Housing Unit Counts (PHC-3).  Contains population and housing unit totals for Census 2000 as well as the 1990 and 1980 censuses. Includes area measurements and population density information. Reports available online in PDF format and in print from the U.S. Government Printing Office (202-512-1800).

Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics: Island Areas (PHC-4). Contains data compiled from all people and housing units for the Island Areas of American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Reports available online in PDF format and in print from the U.S. Government Printing Office (202-512-1800).

Characteristics of American Indians and Alaska Natives by Tribe and Language (PHC-5). Two-volume report containing Census 2000 sample data based on both the 100-percent and sample questions for respondents who reported as American Indian or Alaska Native and specified only one American Indian or Alaska Native tribe that met a specified threshold. Available online in PDF format and in print from the U.S. Government Printing Office (202-512-1800).

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center