U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

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Census 2000 Migration Data on DVD

Availability: Data files available on one DVD and on the Internet. Supplemental files available online.

Product ID: V1-D00-MIGX-01-US1 | Released October 30, 2003

Subject content:  The Census 2000 Migration Data DVD consists of 121 ASCII text files, presenting mobility/migration data for various levels of geography and demographic, family, or household characteristics. The first set of files contains gross and net migration data for various levels of geography and selected characteristics. The second set of files consists of county-to-county migration flow data for counties and equivalent entities and some minor civil divisions (MCDs) by selected characteristics. Limited two-way cross tabulations by selected characteristics for county-to-county migration flows are also provided. Technical documentation available online.

Geography: U.S., states, counties

Census contact: Customer Services Center (orders), 301-763-INFO(4636); Demographic Call Center (content), 301-763-2422 or toll-free at 1-866-758-1060

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center