U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

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Census 2000 Public Use Microdata Sample, PUMS 10%: GUAM

Availability:  Available on CD-ROM. States also available as downloadable ASCII files via FTP.

Product ID: C1-D00-PUM1-02-GU1; Released July 23, 2003

Subject Content: CD-ROM containing records representing a 10 percent sample of the occupied and vacant housing units in Guam and the people in the occupied units. Group quarters people also are included. For more information on content, see the technical documentation [pdf].

Geography: Guam.

File Format & Software: ASCII

Census Contact: Demographic Call Center (content), 301-763-2422, or toll-free at 1-866-758-1060; the Customer Services Center (orders), 301-763-INFO (4636)

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center