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NIOSH Program Area:

Office of Compensation Analysis and Support (OCAS)


(Site Profile Number 016)

Location: Richland, Washington

Also Known As: Hanford Engineer Works (HEW)

Site Profile

  1. Introduction
    (Revised May 23, 2007)
    this document in PDF PDF 57 KB (10 pages)

    Revision Includes: Attributions and Annotations section added. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document. No further changes occurred as a result of formal internal review. This revision results in no change to the assigned dose and no PER is required.

  2. Site Description
    (Revised May 17, 2007)
    this document in PDF PDF 301 KB (46 pages)

    Page Change Revision Includes: Added two paragraphs required by the Office of General Counsel on page 7. Made additional changes resulting from the comments received at the NIOSH/PACE discussion in Richland, WA on April 22, 2004. These include the sentence on page 11 regarding the 137Cs and 90Sr recovery operations, the date change from 1979 to 1978 (page 12), the addition of one paragraph on page 14, section 2.3.5, discussing the ventilation problems in Building 303-L, and the two deletions on page 32.

  3. Occupational Medical Dose
    (Revised April 11, 2005)
    this document in PDF PDF 115 KB (28 pages)

    Revision Includes: Revision incorporates numerical changes in tables and to add additional tables.

  4. Occupational Environmental Dose
    (Revised June 5, 2007)
    this document in PDF PDF 416 KB (56 pages)

    Revision Includes: Attributions and Annotations section included. No further changes occurred as a result of formal internal review. This revision results in no change to the assigned dose and no PER is required.

  5. Occupational Internal Dose
    this document in PDF PDF 458 KB (89 pages)
    (Revised June 22, 2007)

    Revision Includes: Initiated to revise or add information in Section 5. Section 5.1: updated tolerance air concentrations and assigned intakes for 1944-48; added summary of Ikenberry report on thyroid monitoring 1945-46; added fission product intakes for 1947. Section 5.2: added statement on types of urinalysis kits normally used. Section 5.2.1: added information about pure 238Pu work in 325 Bldg.; added statement to use 5-yr-old Pu mixture for years prior to 1951. Section 5.2.2: added statement about 241Am recovery operation in PFP in 1960-70s. Section 5.2.3: added stated about 244Cm recovery in 325 Bldg. Section 5.2.5: added statement about work with 37% enriched U; changed period for 4 ìg/L reporting level to 1974; increased Pu-239 contaminant level in RU to 0.8 nCi/gU; added information about U-233 production. Section 5.2.8: added information about promethium use. Section 5.2.10: added information about neptunium urinalyses. Section 5.2.11: added information about thorium urinalyses and 35S urinalyses. Revised or added information to Section 5 tables. Introduction: added new boilerplate. all table numbers were reformatted. Section 5.1: removed reliance on air samples and referenced co-worker study (OTIB-0039), Section 5.2: added statement on types of urinalysis kits normally used. Sec. 5.2.1: added info. about pure Pu-238 work in 325 Bldg.; added statement to use fresh Pu for 1944-49 and 5-yr-old Pu mixture for 1950-54. Sec. 5.2.2: added statement about Am-241 recovery operation in PFP in 1960-70s. Sec. 5.2.3: added statement about Cm-244 recovery in 325 Bldg. Sec. 5.2.4: added information about tritium in the 400 Area drinking water. Sec. 5.2.5: Table 5-13: raised Pu-alpha contamination level to 0.8 nCi/gU; added statement about work with 37% enriched U; changed period for 4 ìg/L reporting level to 1974; added information about U-233 production. Sec. 5.2.8: added some info. about promethium use. Sec. 5.2.9: removed discussion about background levels of Po-210. Sec. 5.2.10: added some info. about neptunium urinalyses. Sec. 5.2.11: added info. about thorium urinalyses and S-35 urinalyses. Sec. 5.3.1: revised Table 5.3.1-1 (5-22) to clarify MDAs, decision levels and reporting levels. Sec. 5.3.4: totally new section on thorium exposure and thorium monitoring. Sec. 5.4: replaced the old mixture rules with use of Table 5.7-2 (5-25); Sec. 5.6.2: (chronic intakes) deleted entire section. Sec. 5.7 (now 5.6): added information about tritium in the 400 area drinking water; added reference to OTIB-0039 and revised Table 5-25 accordingly. Moved old Appendix D into this document as Attachment A; took out all the tables on chronic intakes. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document. Incorporates NIOSH formal review comments. Many grammatical and format changes throughout. Table 5-12: removed the uranium specific activity data for DU and natural U; added statement to use IMBA defaults to footnote a. Section 5.3.4: added table showing buildings with thorium exposure; added text and table explaining adjustment factors for whole body measurements of Th-232 and associated intakes; added thoron doses for workers processing thorium in 3722 and 3732 bldgs. Section 5.6: clarified possible absorption types for Pu and U in the specific-facilities section; added thoron to Table 5-30; revised tritium intakes for unmonitored workers due a coworker analysis of tritium doses. New Tables 5-27 and 5-28 providing Th-232 intakes based on whole body counting at long times after end of chronic intakes. Section 5.3.4: revised thoron WLMs, removed reference to thoron dose with a reference to TIB-011, clarified use of OTIB-0039 for unmonitored thorium intakes. Section 5.6: removed references to 6- mrem tritium dose and stayed with intake values; clarified how the tritium intake values were determined for the 1955-60, 1970-71, and 1973-83 time periods; corrected a math error resulting in slightly increased intakes for 1984, 85, and 86. Includes Attributions and Annotations and additional references. Incorporates formal internal review comments for Attributions and Annotations section.

    Attachment D: Occupational Internal Dose for Monitored Workers
    this document in PDF PDF 193 KB (23 pages)

  6. Occupational External Dose
    (Revised June 5, 2007)
    this document in PDF PDF 1.0 MB (102 pages)

    Revision Includes: Attributions and Annotations section revised. No further changes occurred as a result for formal internal review. Incorporates formal NIOSH review comments. This revision results in no change to the assigned dose and no PER is required.

Top of Page

Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs)

  • External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Hanford Site
    this document in PDF PDF 51 KB (10 pages)

    Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0030 Rev-00 PC-1

    About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to provide information to allow Dose Reconstructors (Health Physicists) to assign doses to certain workers at the Hanford site who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker data.

    Page Change Revision: November 7, 2006

    Page Change Revision Includes: Page change revision due to release of ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev 00. Updates required language on page 3 in Section 1.0. Lists ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev 00 as a reference on page 5 in Section 5.0. Rewrites item 5 on page 7 in Section 7. Completes Section 8.0 on page 8. Adds Table 3 to page 10 in Section 8.0. Incorporates formal internal review comments. Per new document requirements, added a Table of Contents. This revision results in an increase in assigned dose and a PER is required.

  • Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for the Hanford Site
    this document in PDF PDF 850 KB (55 pages)

    Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0039 Rev-01

    About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for assignment of Hanford internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.

    Revised: October 1, 2007

    Revision Includes: Initiated to add Section 7.0, Attributions and Annotations and corresponding citations throughout the text. Also updated Sections 5.3,, 6.1 and Attachment A regarding Type S plutonium to provide best estimate intake values. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.

Top of Page

Program Evaluation Reports (PERs) and Program Evaluation Plans (PEPs)

NIOSH is committed to applying the best available science in dose reconstructions. In keeping with this commitment, completed cases with probabilities of causation less than 50% are reviewed as relevant new information becomes available. The results of these reviews are described in a Program Evaluation Report (PER). The PER details the effect, if any, of the new information on the completed dose reconstruction. If it appears that the compensability of a completed dose reconstruction may be effected, NIOSH is committed to working with the Department of Labor to reopen and rework the dose reconstruction, as appropriate. A Program Evaluation Plan (PEP) describes plans for evaluating specific program details or issues.

  • PER 5: Misinterpreted Application of the External Dose Factor for Hanford Dose Reconstructions
    this document in PDF PDF 85 KB (6 pages)

    Document Number: OCAS-PER-0005 Rev-00

    About this Document: Describes the evaluation of the programmatic effect of the misinterpreted application of the bias factor for Hanford Dose Reconstructions.

    Approved: June 9, 2006

    Summary: An error in interpretation and application of the bias factor information in the Hanford External Dose Reconstruction Technical Basis Document (1) resulted in an underestimate of the external dose for certain Hanford claims. Claims that were potentially affected by this error were identified and those that had not already been submitted to the Department of Labor were returned to the ORAU team for rework. The cases that had been submitted to DOL were reevaluated by removing the bias factor, thus developing a revised external dose. The probability of causation for each of the affected claims was recalculated. This evaluation found that although this error appeared upon discovery to be rather significant, there was no impact on compensation decisions made by the Department of Labor.

  • PER 29: Hanford TBD Revisions
    this document in PDF PDF 30 KB (4 pages)

    Document Number: OCAS-PER-0029 Rev-00

    About this Document: Document to determine which previously completed claims require evaluation for the effect of revising the Hanford TBD.

    Approved: December 18, 2007

    Summary: There were 1190 Hanford or PNNL claims completed prior to June 22, 2007, with a probability of Causation below 50%. The dose reconstruction methodology of each will be reviewed to determine if a new dose reconstruction is necessary to determine if the revisions increase the dose estimate. NIOSH will review these dose reconstructions to determine if they meet any of the criteria listed in the PER. NIOSH will provide DOL with the list of 1190 claims as well as a determination on each claim as to whether a new dose estimate is required. Documentation for each claim not requiring a new dose reconstruction will provide the basis for that determination.

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Worker Outreach Activities

Based on a recommendation from the Advisory Board to provide workers and site experts with opportunities to participate in developing the technical documents used in dose reconstruction, NIOSH established a Worker Outreach Program.

At Worker Outreach Meetings, current and former DOE and AWE employees have opportunities to obtain information about Site Profiles, Technical Basis Documents, and Technical Information Bulletins, and to provide information for consideration and possible use in dose reconstruction. This process is valuable to ensure that the technical documents used in dose reconstruction contain correct and useful information.

Below are the Worker Outreach Activities for Hanford:

  • Meeting with Hanford Petitioners and Union representatives
    June 19, 2007 (6:00 p.m.)
    Final Minutes
    this document in PDF PDF 155 KB (21 pages)

  • Meeting with former Hanford workers to discuss Special Exposure Cohort Petition Number 50, 57, and 58
    June 19, 2007 (9:00 a.m.)
    Final Minutes
    this document in PDF PDF 243 KB (34 pages)

  • Meeting with former Hanford workers from the DuPont era, 1942 to 1946, in Richland, Washington
    March 28, 2007 (5:00 p.m.)
    Final Minutes
    this document in PDF PDF 75 KB (18 pages)

  • Meeting with former Hanford workers from the DuPont era, 1942 to 1946, in Richland, Washington
    March 28, 2007 (12:30 p.m.)
    Final Minutes
    this document in PDF PDF 79 KB (15 pages)

  • Meeting with Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers (PACE) Local #8-0369;
    Fluor Hanford-Hanford Guards Union Local #21
    April 22, 2004
    Final Minutes
    this document in PDF PDF 49 KB (8 pages)

  • Meeting with Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council, AFL-CIO (HAMTC)
    January 14, 2004
    Final Minutes
    this document in PDF PDF 79 KB (5 pages)

  • Meeting with Central Washington Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO
    January 13, 2004
    Final Minutes
    this document in PDF PDF 80 KB (5 pages)

Top of Page

Advisory Board Work Group on Hanford Site Profile

  • Work Group Members

    This Work Group is responsible to review the Hanford site profile (as revised), to review the SEC petition(s) from Hanford petitioners, to review the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, to review the SC&A Review of the Hanford Site Profile, to consider issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the site profile and the petition Evaluation Report, and to assist NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board changes in the site profile as appropriate. The Work Group should also strive to develop recommendations to the Board on adding one or more classes to the SEC.
    James Melius-Chair
    Bradley Clawson
    John Poston
    Phillip Schofield
    Paul Ziemer
  • Meeting Information

    • March 6, 2008
      Teleconference meeting of the Advisory Board's Work Group on Hanford

      1:00 p.m. (Eastern time)

      Open to the public, but without a public comment period. Teleconference call access is available for this meeting and it is limited only by the number of ports available. To access the meeting via the teleconference call access, you must dial 1-866-659-0537. To be automatically connected to the meeting, you will need to enter the following participant code: 9933701.

      The call will focus on the issue of SEC eligibility criteria.

      Please note that as part of the procedures and processes of the Advisory Board's Work Groups, several kinds of pre-decisional documents may be developed. These documents, which can include white papers, matrices, working drafts, etc., are distributed among the Work Group members as research and background tools to facilitate discussion and deliberation. The discussions during the above meeting may cover a pre-decisional document. Because these types of documents are pre-decisional in nature, may contain sensitive information, and may change over time, they are not posted on our Web site. These finalized, reviewed and redacted pre-decisional documents are also available to other interested parties through an appropriate Freedom of Information Act request. Requests for documents not in the public domain should be submitted to the CDC/ATSDR Freedom of Information Act Office at

    • March 26, 2007
      Meeting of the Advisory Board Working Group on Hanford Site Profile
      Cincinnati Airport Marriott
      2395 Progress Dr.
      Hebron, KY 41048
      (859) 586-0166

      10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)

      This meeting is open to the public, but without a public comment period. Teleconference call access is available for this meeting and it is limited only by the number of ports available. To access the meeting via the teleconference call access, you must dial 1-866-643-6504. To be automatically connected to the meeting, you will need to enter the following participant code: 9448550.

      Agenda: This meeting has been scheduled to discuss the Hanford Site Profile.

      this document in PDF PDF 206 KB (144 pages)

    • December 1, 2006
      Work Group Meeting of the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health

      1:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)

      Open to the public, but without a public comment period. Teleconference call access is available for this meeting and it is limited only by the number of ports available. To access the meeting via the teleconference call access, you must dial 1-866-643-6504. To be automatically connected to the meeting, you will need to enter the following participant code: 9448550.

      Agenda: To discuss the Hanford site profile review.

      this document in PDF PDF 198 KB (105 pages)

Top of Page

Comments on Hanford Documents

How to Submit Comments
Comments on Hanford documents can be submitted to the NIOSH Docket Officer electronically by e-mail at or printed comments can be mailed to NIOSH Docket Office, Robert A. Taft Laboratories, MS-C34, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226. Please include the Site Profile Number (016) on all comments.

Comments Received

Top of Page

Special Exposure Cohort Petition Information for Hanford

Top of Page

Previous Versions of Hanford Documents

  • Site Profile: Introduction section

    • Revised August 30, 2006
      this document in PDF PDF 56 KB (10 pages)

      Revision Includes: Revised as a result of biennial review. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. This revision results in no change to the assigned dose.

    • Revised January 9, 2004
      this document in PDF PDF 77 KB (7 pages)

      Revision Includes: Revised to add page headers, correct editorials, acronyms and to change references to TBD to Site Profile where applicable.

    • Approved November 7, 2003
      this document in PDF PDF 144 KB (7 pages)

  • Site Profile: Site Description section

    • Page Change Revision December 29, 2004
      this document in PDF PDF 157 KB (39 pages)

      Page Change Revision Includes: Added two paragraphs required by the Office of General Counsel on page 7. Made additional changes resulting from the comments received at the NIOSH/PACE discussion in Richland, WA on April 22, 2004. These include the sentence on page 11 regarding the 137Cs and 90Sr recovery operations, the date change from 1979 to 1978 (page 12), the addition of one paragraph on page 14, section 2.3.5, discussing the ventilation problems in Building 303-L, and the two deletions on page 32.

    • Approved October 2, 2003
      this document in PDF PDF 536 KB (38 pages)

  • Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose section
    Approved September 16, 2003
    this document in PDF PDF 230 KB (34 pages)

  • Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose section

    • Revised December 20, 2006
      this document in PDF PDF 410 KB (53 pages)

      Revision Includes: Revision is a result of the biennial document review. Revises Section 4.3.3 to respond to SC&A comments. Table 4-3 was revised to include more absorption types, in accordance with ICRP 68, and type S Sr was removed. Tables A-13 through A-21 were removed and replaced by revised Tables A-11-13 that provides only one air concentration per radionuclide per year. Incorporates internal and NIOSH formal review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of document. This revision results in an increase in assigned dose and a PER is required.

    • Approved October 15, 2003
      this document in PDF PDF 333 KB (33 pages)

  • Occupational Internal Dose

    • Revised November 24, 2004
      this document in PDF PDF 355 KB (57 pages)

      Revision Includes: Major revision to discuss historical limits and tolerance dose; discussion of separations plant (1944 -46) and 231-Z (1945-46); clarified intakes in the 300 area uranium fabrication and the laundry facilities; expanded information on 241Am and 241Am MDAs for 1946 and 1967-6/1969; Added section on assignment of tritium doses; added table 5.2.5-5 (MDAs for non-routine uranium excreta analyses); revised table 5.2.6-1 (routine fission product urinalysis detection levels); added discussion of 214Bi and 208Tl in whole body counting (section 5.3.1); expanded section 5.7 on unmonitored workers to provide additional discussion, tables and instructions to dose reconstructors for specific areas on the site; included listing of references; plus corrected miscellaneous typos, and table number changes.

    • Site Profile: Occupational Internal Dose section
      Approved October 15, 2003
      this document in PDF PDF 608 KB (67 pages)

  • Site Profile: Occupational External Dose section

    • Revised November 21, 2006
      this document in PDF PDF 993 KB (91 pages)

      Revision Includes: Revision incorporate SC&A comments and responses to claimant concerns. Constitutes a total rewrite of document. Incorporates internal and NIOSH formal review comments. This revision results in no change to the assigned dose and no PER is required.

    • Page Change Revision October 5, 2006
      this document in PDF PDF 1. MB (80 pages)

      Page Change Revision Includes: Adds updated required language on page 8 in Section 6.1. Adds Purpose Section (6.1.1) and Scope Section (6.1.2) to page 9. Makes reference to ORAUT-OTIB-0017 on page 10 in Section 6.2 for guidance to be used. Adds two references to pages 56 and 58 in Reference Section. No changes occurred as a result formal internal review. Incorporates NIOSH formal review comments. This revision results in no change to the assigned dose.

    • Revised January 9, 2004
      this document in PDF PDF 648 KB (78 pages)

      Revision Includes: Revised to include the sections on neutrons and responses to DOL comments.

    • Approved October 20, 2003
      this document in PDF PDF 483 KB (68 pages)

  • Technical Information Bulletin: External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Hanford Site
    Approved March 23, 2005
    this document in PDF PDF 39 KB (8 pages)

    Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0030 Rev-00

  • Technical Information Bulletin: Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for the Hanford Site

    • Page Change Revision: January 31, 2007
      this document in PDF PDF 843 KB (55 pages)

      Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0039 Rev-00 PC-2

      About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for assignment of Hanford internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.

      Page Change Revision Includes: Approved page change revision. Revised to change thorium intakes based on assumption of equal "mass" as uranium; changed equilibrium conditions with progeny in the thorium chain based on new calculations and included statement of significance of Th-230 to be consistent with the current Hanford internal dosimetry TBD. Changes occurred on pages 33, 34, and 35. In Table 6-9 on page 35, in Section 6.7, corrected error in fission product intake in 1944-47 and adjusted I-131 intakes to be consistent with the Hanford Internal Dosimetry TBD. Made corrections to Table A-1 on page 38 in Attachment A. Incorporates internal and NIOSH formal review comments. The discussion and tables in Section 6.8 about radionuclides not measured in this study was removed. It is addressed in ORAUT-TKBS-0006-5. The pages affected by these changes are 23, 28, 30, and 32. This revision results in a reduction in assigned dose and no PER is required. No sections were deleted. Section 6.0: added Pu mixture statement consistent with Table in Section 5.1. Section 6.2: replaced sentence indicating all uranium exposure meant thorium exposure and referenced the Hanford internal dosimetry TBD for buildings and periods of thorium exposure. Clarified that thorium at PUREX would be Type M. In Table 6-4, corrected Type S intake for 1962-70 to 60.0 pCi/d; corrected PUREX type M intake to 0.957 based on type F. Added footnotes. Removed Table 6-5 on impurities in RU and referenced the TBD.

    • Page Change Revision January 6, 2006
      this document in PDF PDF 456 KB (54 pages)

      Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0039 Rev-00 PC-1

      Page Change Revision Includes: Corrects errors in units in Table 5-10 (page 27), Table 5-14 (page 28), Table 6-8 (page 33) and 6-10 (page 34). Corrects a value error in Table 6-9 (311.9 instead of 300 in the fifth column, page 33). Provides new guidance on how to assign radionuclides to unmonitored workers based on worker location, consistent with Hanford internal dosimetry TBD (Section 6.8, page 35). Corrects errors in Table 6-13 on page 36. No sections were deleted.

    • Approved October 28, 2005
      this document in PDF PDF 455 KB (54 pages)

      Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0039 Rev-00

Top of Page

Page last updated: July 7, 2008
Page last reviewed: May 30, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

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Site Profile
Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs)
Program Evaluation Reports (PERs) and Program Evaluation Plans (PEPs)
Worker Outreach Activities
Advisory Board Work Group on Hanford Site Profile
Comments on Hanford Documents
Special Exposure Cohort Petition Information for Hanford
Previous Versions of Hanford Documents
Claimant Corner
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