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Seven Rivers Pipeline Environmental Assessment, Pecos River, New Mexico and Finding of No Significant Impact

The purpose of the Proposed Action is to deliver water from the Seven Rivers Augmentation Wellfield to Brantley Reservoir for use as Carlsbad Project water. The proposed augmentation well field pipeline would address two primary needs along the Pecos River. The NMISC needs to augment the Carlsbad Irrigation District (CID) water supply as partial fulfillment of the Settlement Agreement (see below); and as a member of CID and under the Pecos River Settlement Agreement, the NMISC needs to use Carlsbad Project water to maintain longterm compliance with the Pecos River Compact (Compact) and the United States Supreme Court Amended Decree in Texas v. New Mexico. Delivery of water from the augmentation well field has independent utility for the NMISC apart from the Settlement Agreement.

Seven Rivers Pipeline Environmental Assessment, Pecos River, New Mexico
and Finding of No Significant Impact
135 KB
 Finding of No Significant Impact
280 KB
 Table of Contents
43 KB
 Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need for Action
440 KB
 Chapter 2 - Alternatives, Including Proposed Action
602 KB 
 Chapter 3 - Affected Environment
345 KB
 Chapter 4, 5, 6 - Consultation and Coordination, Related Environmental Laws and Directives, Literature Cited
152 KB
 Appendix A - Corps 404 Nationwide Permit
271 KB
 Appendix B - Cultural Resource Documentation
1.9 MB
 Appendix C - Hydrology Modeling Report for Settlement Agreement
533 KB
 Appendix D - Reclamation's ESA Assessment of the Seven Rivers Pipeline Project
369 KB
 Entire Document
2.5 MB



Last updated: April 19, 2007