Los Alamos National Laboratory

Laboratory subcontractors contribute to economic development fund

By Steve Sandoval

July 19, 2007

Strengthening the Northern New Mexico economy

Los Alamos National Laboratory subcontract companies on Wednesday donated more than $100,000 to help further economic development efforts in Northern New Mexico.

KSL Services, Los Alamos’s site support services contractor, Burns and Roe Enterprises, C/P/E Environmental Services, and Oracle presented a check to the Consortium of Major Laboratory Subcontractors at a news conference in Los Alamos. The funds will be placed in the Economic Development Grant Pool of the consortium.

The consortium is made up of Los Alamos’s major subcontractors, each having subcontracts valued at more than $5 million. Established in February 2004, the consortium serves as a platform for jointly supported projects, which strengthen economic development throughout Northern New Mexico.

The funds will be spent for economic development initiatives in Northern New Mexico.

“Los Alamos National Laboratory is proud to support the efforts of these major subcontractors in contributing to the economic development of Northern New Mexico,” said Kevin Chalmers, director of Los Alamos’s Acquisition Services Management Division.

“The Laboratory has a vested interest in supporting and growing Northern New Mexico’s economy, and these donations, combined with other resources available to the consortium will help all of us achieve these goals.”

The Economic Development Grant Pool is one of several cooperative initiatives begun by the consortium. The purpose of the grant pool is to provide each consortium member a mechanism by which the subcontractors collectively can make high-impact contributions to the region’s economic development.

Peter McMillin of Burns and Roe Enterprises, the consortium chairman, accepted $50,000 from KSL Services, $48,000 from Oracle, $2,500 C/P/E Environmental and then he added $2,500 from Burns and Roe. “These generous contributions illustrate the power of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s major subcontractors working together to strengthen the economy of Northern New Mexico,” said McMillin. “Today, the consortium’s 2007 economic development granting season is officially open.”

Added David Whitaker, president and general manager of KSL Services, "After seeing the impacts of last year's grants, KSL Services was favorably impressed with the work undertaken by the consortium. KSL is committed to the people of and the economic growth in Northern New Mexico and the success of small business. In addition, KSL also is dedicated to improving the educational opportunities for both the citizens and businesses in the region. The consortium's grant pool allows us to combine our resources with other subcontractors to maximize our impact on the region's economic health."

Ed Burckle, executive director of the Regional Development Corporation, said, “the consortium has been instrumental in leveraging the collective contributions of the Laboratory’s subcontractors. What’s great about the grant pool is that the projects are viable economic development initiatives where the money makes an immediate impact towards the success of the project.”

Los Alamos National Security, LLC, the management and operations contractor for Los Alamos National Laboratory, supports the consortium through a contract with the Regional Development Corporation, a private, nonprofit economic development corporation.

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