Purdue University
Purdue Animal Sciences

Welcome to Animal Sciences at Purdue University

The mission of the Department of Animal Sciences is as follows:
The Purdue University Department of Animal Sciences provides leadership and inspiration to educate individuals to anticipate and effectively respond to challenges facing the global animal industries. Animal Sciences facilitates scientific research and technology transfer for efficient and sustainable production of high quality animal products with optimal animal well-being, enhancement of the human diet, and advancement of sound environmental practices.

The vision of the Department of Animal Sciences is very simple. We desire to be the "place to go" for the citizens of Indiana and beyond for knowledge in animal sciences. This includes students, traditional commodity groups, government, consumers, and many others.

Our shared or common goals are:

  • to provide students with a rigorous and relevant education thus prepared for a lifetime of learning;
  • to achieve scientific preeminence in selected areas, and be able to develop teams to find and solve real problems in a real world; and
  • to meet the needs of clientele making the best use of emerging technologies.

The faculty have expertise in the disciplines of growth and development, nutrition, breeding and genetics, physiology, management, and animal well-being and behavior. In addition, USDA personnel in the area of animal behavior are adjunct faculty members. The Department Head is Dr. Alan Grant.

  Dairy Cattle Swine Sheep Poultry Beef Cattle Swine Aquaculture Horses

Purdue University • Department of Animal Sciences • Lilly Hall
915 W. State St. • West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054
Phone (765) 494-4808 • Fax (765) 494-9346

The Department of Animal Sciences is part of the College of Agriculture. For information about Veterinary Medicine, please visit the web site of Purdue's School of Veterinary Medicine.

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