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tool kit iconA Tool Kit to Prevent Senior Falls: Figures

Unintentional Fall Death Rates per 100,000 Population for Men and Women Age 65+, United States, 1988�00

From 1988 to 2000, the unintentional fall death rates for both men and women increased significantly (p<.01, test for linear trend). In 2000, rates for men were 20% higher than rates for women.

Data: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, 2002.

Unintentional Fall Death Rates per 100,000 Population
for Men and Women Age 65+, United States, 1988�00

Year Men Women
1988 24.3 18.8
1989 24.5 18.6
1990 24.0 19.2
1991 24.3 20.1
1992 24.2 19.8
1993 24.6 19.8
1994 25.9 19.7
1995 26.1 20.9
1996 28.1 22.9
1997 30.3 23.8
1998 30.9 25.9
1999 32.7 26.8
2000 32.7 27.3

From 1988 to 2000, hospital admission rates for hip fractures among women were twice the rate for men. During this time period, rates for both men and women increased significantly (p<.01, test for linear trend).

Data: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Hospital Discharge Survey, 2002.

Hip Fracture Admission Rates per 100,000 Population
for Men and Women Age 65+, United States, 1988�00

Year Men Women
1988 452.4   972.3
1989 388.5 1059.0
1990 437.5 1104.5
1991 524.8 1114.8
1992 501.0 1052.9
1993 467.5 1192.9
1994 499.3 1157.5
1995 519.2 1133.7
1996 495.5 1355.9
1997 559.9 1224.4
1998 609.9 1216.7
1999 533.9 1262.7
2000 525.7 1198.0



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This page last reviewed 09/07/06.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control