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Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities

Input: Sector Description

The Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities Supersector is made up of two parts: the Transportation and Warehousing Sector and the Utilities Sector.

The Transportation and Warehousing Sector includes industries that provide:

  • transportation of passengers and cargo
  • warehousing and storage for goods
  • scenic and sightseeing transportation
  • support activities related to modes of transportation

Establishments in these industries use transportation equipment or transportation-related facilities as a productive asset. The type of equipment depends on the mode of transportation, which includes air, rail, water, road, and pipeline.

The Utilities Sector contains establishments that provide the following utilities and associated activities:

NAICS Industry Title Activity
Electric power Generation, transmission, and distribution
Natural gas Distribution
Steam supply Treatment and/or distribution
Water supply Treatment and distribution
Sewage removal Collection, treatment, and disposal of waste through sewer systems and sewage treatment facilities

For more information about the Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities Supersector, see the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Web site (Codes 48-49 & 22)
External Link:

The "Industry at a Glance" profile from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides detailed information about employment, wages, productivity, and occupational outlook for the Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities Supersector.
External Link:

Page last updated: July 21, 2005
Page last reviewed: April 25, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

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NIOSH Program:

Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities

train, airplane, ship, truck