[Federal Register: October 22, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 204)] [Notices] [Page 57075] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:fr22oc99-42] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Army Revision of MTMC Freight Traffic Rules Publication No. 4A, Item 255 and MTMC Guaranteed Traffic Rules Publication No. 50, Item 715, both entitled ``Computation of Freight Charges'' AGENCY: Military Traffic Command, DOD. ACTION: Notice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC), as the Department of Defense (DOD) Traffic Management for surface and surface intermodal traffic management services (DTR vol. 1, pg. 101-113), proposes modifying the text of the existing rule, entitled ``Computation of Freight Charges'', in MFTRP No. 4A, Item 255 and MGTRP No. 50, Item 715. The purpose of this modification is to change the basis of freight charge computation for bulk petroleum tank truck shipments from gross volume to a different methodology (sometimes referred to as ``net'' volume) in order to better conform to standard industry practice as well as to procedures and automated systems used or being implemented by the Defense Energy Support Center. DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before December 21, 1999. ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent as follows: by fax: 703-681-9871 attn: Jerome Colton, by e-mail: coltonj@mtmc.army.mil., by mail or courier to: Headquarters, Military Traffic Management Command, ATTN: MTOP-JF (Jerome Colton), Room 606, 5611 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041- 5050. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information contact Mr. Jerome Colton at (703) 681-1417 or Mr. Keith Pladson at (703) 767-8381. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The proposed effective date for the change will be January 1, 2000. This charge may affect the amounts that bulk petroleum tank truck carriers are reimbursed for bulk petroleum shipments. Paragraph 1 of the current regulations (MFTRP No. 4A, Item 255 and MGTRP No. 50, Item 715) both read: ``Except as provided below, freight charges in DOD tenders governed by this publication will be computed by multiplying the rate by the actual gallonage (uncorrected for temperature) placed in the vehicle at the time of loading or the minimum gallonage stated in carrier's tender, as applicable, whichever is greater''. The proposed change would replace the existing text of both regulations with the following: ``Except as provided in paragraph 2, freight charges in DOD tenders governed by this publication will be the greater of: a. the amount computed by multiplying the carrier's rate by the minimum gallonage stated in the carrier's applicable tender; or b. the amount computed by multiplying the carrier's rate by the temperature-corrected gallonage placed in the vehicle at the time of loading. Temperature-corrected gallonage is defined as the volume correction to gallons at 60 degrees Fahrenheit (sometimes referred to as ``net volume'') and will be determined by the loading facility through either the use of temperature-compensating meters or by manual conservation in accordance with the appropriate tables in the most recent edition of the API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS).'' (end of proposed change) Regulatory Flexibility Act This change is not considered rule making within the meaning of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-612. Paperwork Reduction Act The Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 USC 3051 et seq., does not apply because no information collection requirement or recordkeeping responsibilities are imposed on offerors, contractors, or members of the public. Thomas M. Ogles, Jr., Chief, Freight Services Division, Joint Traffic Management Office. [FR Doc. 99-27633 Filed 10-21-99; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3710-08-M