[Federal Register: October 22, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 204)] [Notices] [Page 57083-57084] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:fr22oc99-52] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. RP00-21-000] CNG Transmission Corporation; Notice of Proposed Changes in FERC Gas Tariff October 18, 1999. Take notice that on October 18, 1999, CNG Transmission Corporation (CNG), filed as part of its FERC Gas Tariff, Second Revised Volume No. 1, the tariff sheets proposing two new rate schedules, Rate Schedules DPO and CSC, together with related changes. CNG requests an effective date of November 15, 1999, for these proposed tariff sheets. CNG states that the purpose of its filing is propose two new rate schedules designed to allow CNG and its shippers to better serve an unbundled retail market. The Delivery Point Operator or DPO service is designed to give local distribution companies (LDCs) and potentially others that operate physical points of interconnection between CNG and the LDC system (the citygate) the ability to meet any swings in demand or supply at the citygate without the necessity that the LDC itself continue to hold contract service rights sufficient to absorb the level of potential swings. The Citygate Swing Customer (CSC) Service is a companion service to the Rate Schedule DPO service. It gives shippers that are not delivery point operators the flexibility to match their deliveries into CNG's system with their receipts from CNG without being subject to imbalance penalties or other costs that otherwise would be barriers to entry of these shippers into the small-customer retail market--where seasonal, daily and hourly load variations are significant and commonplace. CNG states that other, related tariff changes are also proposed. CNG proposes to modify Section 6.3 of its General Terms and Conditions to include references to the new services. Rate Schedules FT, IT and MCS (Wheeling) are modified to provide for explicit hourly flow limits. CNG states that it has also made changes to the intra-day nomination requirements under its tariff. CNG states that copies of its filing have been served upon CNG's customers and interested state commissions. CNG also states that copies of this filing are available for public inspection during regular business hours, at CNG's principal offices in Clarksburg, West Virginia. Any person desiring to be heard or to protest said filing should file a motion to intervene or a protest with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20426, in accordance with Sections 385.214 or 385.211 of the Commission's Rules and Regulations. All such motions or protests must be filed in accordance with Section 154.210 of the Commission's Regulations. Protests will be considered by the Commission in determining the appropriate action to be taken, but will not serve to make protestants parties to the proceedings. Any person wishing to become a party must file a motion to intervene. Copies of this filing are on file with the Commission and are available for public inspection in the Public Reference Room. This filing may be viewed on the web at http:// www.ferc.fed.us/online/ [[Page 57084]] rims.htm (call 202-208-2222 for assistance). David P. Boergers, Secretary. [FR Doc. 99-27613 Filed 10-21-99; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717-01-M