[Federal Register: January 7, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 4)] [Notices] [Page 1049-1050] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:fr07ja99-55] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [Release No. 40592A; File No. SR-NASD-98-77] Self-Regulatory Organizations; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change by National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Relating to Central Registration Depository Fees; Correction December 29, 1998. In FR Document 98-28849, beginning on page 57718, for Wednesday, October 28, 1998, several sections of the proposed rule were incorrectly stated. The following sections of Item I on page 57718 should read as follows: I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance of the Proposed Rule Change * * * * * Section 2-Fees * * * * * (b) [Each member shall be assessed a fee of $85.00 for each application filed with the Association for registration of a registered representative or registered principal. Additionally, each member shall be assessed a surcharge of $95.00 for registrations involving a special registration review filed with the Association.] The NASD shall assess each member a fee of: (1) $85.00 for each initial Form U-4 filed by the member with the NASD for the registration of a representative or principal, except that [The] the following discounts shall apply to the filing of [applications] Forms U-4 to [re-register or] transfer the registration of [registered persons] represenatives or [registered] principals in connection with acquisition of all or a part of a member's business by another member: * * * * * (2) $40.00 for each initial Form U-5 filed by the member with the NASD for the termination of a registered representative or registered principal, plus a late filing fee of $80.00 if the member fails to file the initial Form U-5 within 30 days after the date of termination; [[Page 1050]] (3) $20.00 for each amended Form U-4 or Form U-5 filed by the member with the NASD; (4) $95.00 for additional processing of each initial or amended Form U-4 or Form U-5 that includes the initial reporting, amendment, or certification of one or more disclosure events or proceedings; (5) $10.00 for each fingerprint card submitted by the member to the NASD, plus any other charge that may be imposed by the United States Department of Justice for processing such fingerprint card; and * * * * * (h)[(i) Each member shall be assessed a fee of $40.00 for each notice of termination of a registered representative or registered principal filed with the Corporation as required by Section 3 of Article IV of the By-Laws. (ii) A late filing fee of $65.00 shall be assessed a member who fails to file with the Corporation written notice of termination of a registered representative or registered principal within thirty (30) calendar days of such termination. (iii)] In the event a member believes it should not be required to pay the late filing fee, it shall be entitled to a hearing in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Rule 9640 Series. Margaret H. McFarland, Deputy Secretary. [FR Doc. 99-297 Filed 1-6-99; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 8010-01-M