[Federal Register: May 10, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 89)] [Rules and Regulations] [Page 24942-24943] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:fr10my99-4] ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of the Census 15 CFR Part 30 [Docket No. 990416099-9099-01] RIN 0607-AA32 New Canadian Province Import Code for Territory of Nunavut AGENCY: Bureau of the Census, Commerce. ACTION: Final rule. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The Bureau of the Census is amending the Foreign Trade Statistics Regulations (FTSR), to add a new Canadian Province/Territory code for the Territory of Nunavut. This Canadian Territory code is being added to the existing Canadian Province/Territory codes used for reporting Canadian Province of Origin information on Customs Entry Records. EFFECTIVE DATE: The provisions of this rule are effective April 1, 1999. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: C. Harvey Monk, Jr., Chief, Foreign Trade Division, Bureau of the Census, Room 2104, Federal Building 3, Washington, DC 20233-6700, by telephone on (301) 457-2255, by fax on (301) 457-2645, or by e-mail at c.h.monk.jr@ccmail.census.gov. For information on the specific Customs reporting requirements contact: Dave Kahne, U.S. Customs Service, Room 5.2C, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20229, by telephone on (202) 927-0159 or by fax on (202) 927-1096. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background Information On November 29, 1996, the U.S. Bureau of the Census (Census Bureau), Department of Commerce, and the U.S. Customs Service (Customs), Department of the Treasury, announced the implementation of the requirements for collecting Canadian Province of Origin information on Customs Entry Records in the Federal Register (61 FR 60531). The Supplementary Information contained in that notice fully recounts the development of the program for collecting Canadian Province of Origin information on Customs import [[Page 24943]] documents. Please refer to that notice for details on the implementation of that program. The reporting provisions for collecting Canadian Province of Origin information are incorporated in FTSR, 15 CFR 30.80, ``Imports from Canada.'' The Census Bureau is now amending 15 CFR 30.80(d) to add a new Canadian Province/Territory code (XV) for the Territory of Nunavut. The Canadian Province codes are used to report Canadian Province of Origin information on Customs Entry Records required for all U.S. imports that originate in Canada. The Census Bureau is coordinating the implementation of this rule with Customs. This action is taken to fulfill the requirements of the 1987 agreement between the United States and Canada under which the countries agreed to replace their requirements for reporting export data by substituting exchanged import information. The Department of Treasury concurs with the provisions contained in this final rule. Program Requirements In order to include the new Canadian Province/Territory code for the Territory of Nunavut, the Census Bureau is revising 15 CFR 30.80(d) to add the code XV for Nunavut to the list of valid Canadian Province/ Territory codes. Rulemaking Requirements This rule is exempt from all requirements of Section 553 of the Administrative Procedures Act because it deals with a foreign affairs function (5 U.S.C. (A) (1)). Regulatory Flexibility Act Because a notice of proposed rulemaking is not required by 5 U.S.C. 553 or any other law, a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis is not required and has not been prepared (5 U.S.C. 603(a)). Executive Orders This rule has been determined to be not significant for purposes of Executive Order 12866. This rule does not contain policies with Federalism implications sufficient to warrant preparation of the Federalism assessment under Executive Order 12612. Paperwork Reduction Act Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, Pub. L. 104-13, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. This rule covers collection of information subject to PRA provisions, which OMB cleared under Control Number 1515-0065. For further information on the OMB submission, contact Dave Kahne, U.S. Customs Service, Room 5.2C, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20229, by telephone on 202-927-0159 or by fax on 202-927-1096. This rulemaking will have no impact on the current reporting-hour burden requirements as approved under OMB control number 1515-0065. List of Subjects in 15 CFR Part 30 Economic statistics, Exports, Foreign trade, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. Amendments to 15 CFR Part 30 For the reasons set out in the preamble, the Census Bureau is amending 15 CFR Chapter I, Part 30, as follows: PART 30--FOREIGN TRADE STATISTICS 1. The authority citation for 15 CFR Part 30 continues to read as follows: Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 13 U.S.C. 301-307; Reorganization Plan No. 5 of 1950 (3 CFR 1949-1953 Comp., 1004); Department of Commerce Organization Order No. 35-2A, August 4, 1975, 40 FR 42765. Subpart F--Special Provisions for Particular Types of Import Transactions 2. Section 30.80 (d) is revised to read as follows: Sec. 30.80 Imports from Canada. * * * * * (d) The Province of Origin code replaces the Country of Origin code only for imports that have been determined, under applicable Customs rules, to originate in Canada. Valid Canadian Province/Territory codes are: XA--Alberta XB--New Brunswick XC--British Columbia XM--Manitoba XN--Nova Scotia XO--Ontario XP--Prince Edward Island XQ--Quebec XS--Saskatchewan XT--Northwest Territories XV--Nunavut XW--Newfoundland XY--Yukon Approved: New Canadian Province Import Code for Nunavut Docket Number 990416099-9099-01. Dated: April 13, 1999. Kenneth Prewitt, Director, Bureau of the Census. [FR Doc. 99-11677 Filed 5-7-99; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510-07-P