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Table 1-46b: U.S. Ton-Miles of Freight


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  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
TOTAL U.S. ton-miles of freight (millions) 3,584,423 3,597,427 3,706,409 3,727,451 3,904,160 4,061,136 4,131,495 4,136,017 4,186,420 4,259,350 4,285,204 4,316,722 4,366,053 4,356,700
Air 10,420 9,960 10,990 11,540 12,030 12,720 13,760 13,900 14,140 14,500 15,810 13,288 13,837 15,096
Truck 854,227 873,558 896,366 935,552 995,735 1,041,707 1,070,999 1,119,199 1,148,718 1,185,962 1,203,100 1,223,579 1,255,409 1,263,922
Railroad 1,064,408 1,041,929 1,098,379 1,135,016 1,221,073 1,317,010 1,377,095 1,391,089 1,448,352 1,503,665 1,546,319 1,599,332 1,605,532 1,603,564
Domestic water transportation 833,544 848,399 856,683 789,657 814,917 807,728 764,687 707,410 672,795 655,861 645,799 621,687 612,080 606,146
Coastwise 479,134 502,133 502,311 448,404 457,600 440,345 408,086 349,843 314,864 292,730 283,872 274,559 263,688 278,919
Lakewise 60,930 55,339 55,784 56,438 58,263 59,704 58,335 62,166 61,654 57,045 57,879 50,854 53,653 47,539
Internal 292,393 289,959 297,638 283,894 297,762 306,329 296,791 294,023 294,896 304,724 302,558 294,861 293,410 278,352
Intraport 1,087 968 950 921 1,292 1,350 1,475 1,378 1,381 1,362 1,490 1,413 1,329 1,336
Pipeline 821,824 823,581 843,990 855,686 860,404 881,971 904,954 904,418 902,414 899,362 874,176 858,836 879,195 867,972
Oil and oil products 584,100 578,500 588,800 592,900 591,400 601,100 619,200 616,500 619,800 618,000 577,000 576,000 586,000 590,000
Natural Gas 237,724 245,081 255,190 262,786 269,004 280,871 285,754 287,918 282,614 281,362 297,176 282,836 293,195 277,972


BTS is developing more comprehensive and reliable estimates of ton-miles for the air, truck, rail, water, and pipeline modes than are presented in table 1-46a. These improved estimates are not comparable to data in table 1-46a. Improved estimates for 1960-1989, which will allow more comprehensive and reliable data for the entire period from 1960 to present, are still under development and will be reported when they are completed.

Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, special tabulation.