[Federal Register: March 15, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 51)]
[Page 11706]
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Bureau of Indian Affairs

Land Acquisitions; United Auburn Indian Community of California

AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of final agency determination to take land into trust 
under 25 CFR Part 151.


SUMMARY: The Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs made a final agency 
determination to acquire approximately 49.21 acres, more or less, of 
land into trust for the United Auburn Indian Community of California on 
February 5, 2002. This notice is published in the exercise of authority 
delegated by the Secretary of the Interior to the Assistant Secretary--
Indian Affairs by 209 Departmental Manual 8.1.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nancy J. Pierskalla, Office of Indian 
Gaming Management, Bureau of Indian Affairs, MS-2070 MIB, 1849 C Street 
NW., Washington, DC 20240; Telephone (202) 219-4066.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice is published to comply with the 
requirement of 25 CFR 151.12(b) that notice be given to the public of 
the Secretary's decision to acquire land in trust at least 30 days 
prior to signatory acceptance of the land into trust. The purpose of 
the 30-day waiting period in 25 CFR 151.12(b) is to afford interested 
parties the opportunity to seek judicial review of final administrative 
decisions to take land in trust for Indian tribes and individual 
Indians before transfer of title to the property occurs. On February 5, 
2002, the Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs decided to accept 
approximately 49.21 acres, more or less, of land into trust for the 
United Auburn Indian Community of California pursuant to Section 1300I 
of the Auburn Indian Restoration Act of October 31, 1994, 25 U.S.C. 
1300I (1994). The Secretary shall acquire title in the name of the 
United States in trust for the United Auburn Indian Community of 
California for the following parcel of land described below no sooner 
than 30 days after the date of this notice.
    That portion of Parcel ``B'' described in the Resolution to Approve 
a Minor Boundary Line Adjustment recorded June 27, 1997, as Instrument 
No. 97-0037123, Official Records of Placer County, located in Section 
33, Township 12 North, Range 6 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, Placer 
County, California, as shown on the Record of Survey filed in Book 9 of 
Surveys, Page 19, Placer County Records, described as follows:

    Beginning at the southeasterly corner of said Parcel ``B,'' 
thence along the boundary of said Parcel ``B'' the following three 
courses and distances: (1) North 00 deg.31'40" East 616.00 feet; (2) 
South 89 deg.53'59" West 285.00 feet; and (3) North 00 deg.13'49" 
East 186.41 feet; thence, leaving said boundary, South 89 deg.53'59" 
West 150.00 feet; thence South 00 deg.06'01" East 100.00 feet; 
thence South 89 deg.53'59" West 300.00 feet; thence North 
00 deg.06'01" West 100.00 feet; thence South 89 deg.53'59" West 
2018.08 feet; thence South 00 deg.13'49" West 812.49 feet to a point 
on the southerly boundary of said Parcel ``B'', thence along the 
southerly boundary of said parcel ``B'' the following two courses 
and distances: (1) North 89 deg.48'20" East 1652.05 feet; and (2) 
North 89 deg.30'51" East 1097.92 feet to the point of beginning, 
containing 49.21 acres, more or less. APN 021-280-063.

    Dated: March 6, 2002.
Neal A. McCaleb,
Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 02-6315 Filed 3-14-02; 8:45 am]