[Federal Register: July 11, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 133)]
[Page 45961-45963]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Bonneville Power Administration

BP Cherry Point Cogeneration Project

AGENCY: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Department of Energy 

[[Page 45962]]

ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement 


SUMMARY: This notice announces BPA's intention to prepare a joint 
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)/State Environmental Policy Act 
(SEPA) EIS in cooperation with the State of Washington Energy Facility 
Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) for a proposed new cogeneration plant 
and its electrical interconnection with the Federal Columbia River 
Transmission System. The scope of the EIS will include construction and 
operation of the proposed power plant, a new 1-mile, 230-kilovolt (kV) 
transmission line, and ancillary facilities. BPA is the lead Federal 
agency under NEPA and EFSEC is the lead Washington State agency under 

DATES: All interested parties are invited to comment on the scope of 
the proposed EIS. An open house and public scoping meeting was held on 
July 9, 2002, at the Blaine High School Performing Arts Center, 965 H 
Street, Blaine, Washington. All comments subsequent to the open house 
should be received by August 9, 2002.

ADDRESSES: To be placed on the project mailing list, including 
notification of meetings, call toll-free 1-800-622-4520, name this 
project, BP Cherry Point Cogeneration Project, and leave your complete 
name and address.
    To comment, call toll-free 1-800-622-4519; send an e-mail to the 
BPA Internet address comment@bpa.gov; or send a letter to 
Communications, Bonneville Power Administration--KC-7, P.O. Box 12999, 
Portland, Oregon, 97212.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Thomas C. McKinney, Bonneville Power 
Administration--KEC-4, P.O. Box 3621, Portland, Oregon 97208-3621; 
toll-free telephone 1-800-282-3713; direct telephone 503-230-4749; or 
e-mail tcmckinney@bpa.gov. Additional information can be found at BPA's 
web site: http://www.efw.bpa.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The BP Cherry Point Cogeneration Project is 
a 720-megawatt (MW) generating station proposed by BP West Coast 
Products, LLC (BP). The project site is in Whatcom County, Washington, 
near the community of Birch Bay. BP has requested an interconnection 
and other transmission services that would allow firm power delivery to 
the wholesale power market. BPA proposes to execute agreements with BP 
to provide the interconnection and firm power transmission.
    The EIS will evaluate the environmental consequences of the 
proposed project, including:
     Construction and operation of the powerplant;
     Approximate 1400 ft-long extension of an existing natural 
gas pipeline on BP property;
     Existing water supply for the BP refinery that would be 
utilized for the cogeneration facility;
     Wastewater disposal through the existing refinery waste 
water treatment system;
     Construction and operation by BP of an electrical 
interconnection consisting of a new 1-mile 230-kilovolt double-circuit, 
wood pole transmission line from the powerplant switchyard looping into 
Bonneville's existing 230-kV Custer-Intalco No.1 transmission line, and 
minor modifications to Bonneville's existing Custer and Intalco 
     Interconnection agreement that BPA proposes with BP; and
     Firm transmission agreement that BPA proposes with BP.
    Proposed Action. The BP Cherry Point Cogeneration Project is an 
approximate 720 MW natural gas-fired combined-cycle combustion turbine 
cogeneration facility on approximately 33 acres of land adjacent to and 
northeast of the BP refinery. The plant would be configured with three 
combustion turbines each driving an electric generator. Each of the gas 
turbine trains would be equipped with a heat recovery steam generator 
and duct firing capability to augment steam production. Steam would be 
produced at high pressure in the heat recovery steam generators and 
sent to one steam turbine driven electric generator with extraction and 
condensing capability. The refinery would also serve as a ``steam 
host'' for a portion of the steam produced by the combustion turbine. 
Natural gas would be supplied through an existing company owned 
proprietary natural gas pipeline running from Canada to the refinery. 
If additional gas is needed it would be obtained from a third party.
    The electrical interconnection would occur approximately one mile 
east of the refinery on BPA's existing 230-kV transmission line 
connecting BPA's Custer and Intalco Substations. The entire project, 
including the new transmission line would be on refinery owned 
property, and would be entirely contained in a Major Industrial Urban 
Growth Area/Port Industrial as defined in the Whatcom County 
Comprehensive Plan, issued May 20, 1997. The area is zoned Heavy Impact 
    Process to Date. BPA is the lead Federal agency for the joint NEPA/
SEPA EIS, and EFSEC is the lead Washington State agency. In February 
2001, BP requested BPA transmission services. On March 12, 2001, BP 
requested EFSEC to initiate a Potential Site Study for the BP Cherry 
Point Cogeneration Project. On May 2, 2001, EFSEC held an open house 
meeting to introduce the BP Cherry Point Cogeneration Project to 
interested parties in Whatcom County and the surrounding area. On 
September 28, 2001, EFSEC published the Potential Site Study. On June 
10, 2002, BP submitted to EFSEC an Application for Site Certification.
    Alternatives Proposed for Consideration. Alternatives thus far 
identified for evaluation in the EIS are (1) the proposed action, and 
(2) no action. Other alternatives may be identified through the scoping 
    Identification of Environmental Issues. The lead agencies have 
determined that this proposal may have a significant adverse impact on 
the environment. EFSEC will prepare an EIS consistent with its 
responsibilities under Chapter 80.50 and 43.21C (2)(c) of the Revised 
Code of Washington and Chapter 463-47 and 197-11 of the Washington 
Administrative Code. BPA will prepare an EIS pursuant to NEPA and the 
Council of Environmental Quality and DOE NEPA regulations. Therefore, 
BPA and EFSEC intend to prepare a joint NEPA/SEPA EIS addressing both 
the powerplant and the associated electric power interconnection and 
transmission facilities. The principal issues identified thus far for 
consideration in the Draft EIS are (1) air quality impacts, (2) socio-
economic impacts including transportation impacts, and (3) wetlands and 
wildlife habitat impacts.
    These issues, together with any additional significant issues 
identified through the scoping process, will be addressed in the Draft 
EIS. BPA will also use the EIS and NEPA process to address historic 
preservation and cultural resource issues under Section 106 of the 
National Historic Preservation Act.
    Receiving comments from interested parties will assure that EFSEC 
and BPA address in the EIS the full range of issues and potentially 
significant impacts related to the proposed project. When completed, 
the Draft EIS will be circulated for review and comment. EFSEC and BPA 
will hold at least one public comment meeting on the Draft EIS. EFSEC 
and BPA will consider comments received on the Draft EIS and respond to 
comments in the Final EIS.

[[Page 45963]]

    Issued in Portland, Oregon, on June 18, 2002
Stephen J. Wright,
Administrator and Chief Executive Officer.
[FR Doc. 02-17420 Filed 7-10-02; 8:45 am]