[Federal Register: February 5, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 24)]
[Page 5290-5291]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



[Investigation No. 332-437]

Advice Concerning Possible Modifications to the U.S. Generalized 
System of Preferences with Respect to Certain Products Imported From 
AGOA Countries

AGENCY: United States International Trade Commission.

ACTION: Institution of investigation and scheduling of hearing.


SUMMARY: On January 17, 2002, the Commission received a request from 
the United States Trade Representative (USTR) for an investigation 
under section 332(g) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1332(g)) for 
the purpose of providing advice concerning possible modifications to 
the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) with respect to certain 
products from beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries under the 
African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Following receipt of the 
request, the Commission instituted investigation No. 332-437, Advice 
Concerning Possible Modifications to the U.S. Generalized System of 
Preferences with Respect to Certain Products Imported from AGOA 
Countries, for the purpose of providing advice as follows:
    (1) With respect to unwrought manganese flake as described by the 
USTR in its notice published in the Federal Register of January 24, 
2002 (67 F.R. 3530), advice as to the probable economic effect on U.S. 
industries producing like or directly competitive articles and on 
consumers of the elimination of United States import duties only for 
countries designated as beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries under 
the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) in general note 16 of the 
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS). The USTR 
requested that the Commission, in providing its advice, assume that the 
benefits of the GSP would continue to apply to imports that would be 
normally excluded from receiving such benefits by virtue of the 
competitive need limits specified in section 503(c)(2)(A) of the Trade 
Act of 1974 (1974 Act) (19 U.S.C. 2463(c)(2)(A)). The USTR noted that 
an exemption from the application of the competitive need limits for 
the beneficiary AGOA countries is provided for in section 503(c)(2)(D) 
of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2463(c)(2)(D); and
    (2) With respect to prepared or preserved pears as described in HTS 
subheading 2008.40.00, advice as to the probable economic effect on 
United States industries producing like or directly competitive 
articles and on consumers of the removal of the article from 
eligibility for duty-free treatment under the GSP. The USTR noted that 
the article is currently eligible for GSP only for countries designated 
as beneficiary AGOA countries in general note 16 of the HTS. As 
requested by USTR, the Commission will seek to provide its advice not 
later than April 25, 2002.

EFFECTIVE DATES: January 29, 2002.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Project Manager, Douglas Newman (202-
205-3328; newman@usitc.gov) in the Commission's Office of Industries. 
For information on legal aspects of the investigation contact William 
Gearhart of the Commission's Office of the

[[Page 5291]]

General Counsel (202-205-3091; wgearhart@usitc.gov). Hearing impaired 
individuals may obtain information on this matter by contacting the 
Commission's TDD terminal on 202-205-1810. Persons with mobility 
impairments who will need special assistance in gaining access to the 
Commission should contact the Office of the Secretary at 202-205-2000. 
General information about the Commission may be obtained by accessing 
its Internet server (http://www.usitc.gov). The public record for this 
investigation may be viewed on the Commission's electronic docket (EDIS 
On-Line) at http://dockets.usitc.gov/eol/public/.
    Public Hearing: A public hearing in connection with this 
investigation is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. on March 6, 2002, at 
the U.S. International Trade Commission Building, 500 E Street SW., 
Washington, DC. All persons have the right to appear by counsel or in 
person, to present information, and to be heard. Persons wishing to 
appear at the public hearing should file a letter with the Secretary, 
United States International Trade Commission, 500 E St., SW., 
Washington, DC 20436, not later than the close of business (5:15 p.m.) 
on February 20, 2002. In addition, persons appearing should file 
prehearing briefs (original and 14 copies) with the Secretary by the 
close of business on February 21, 2002. Posthearing briefs should be 
filed with the Secretary by the close of business on March 13, 2002. In 
the event that no requests to appear at the hearing are received by the 
close of business on February 20, 2002, the hearing will be canceled. 
Any person interested in attending the hearing as an observer or non-
participant may call the Secretary to the Commission (202-205-1816) 
after February 20, 2002, to determine whether the hearing will be held.
    Written Submissions: In lieu of or in addition to appearing at the 
public hearing, interested persons are invited to submit written 
statements concerning the investigation. Written statements should be 
received by the close of business on March 13, 2002. Commercial or 
financial information which a submitter desires the Commission to treat 
as confidential must be submitted on separate sheets of paper, each 
clearly marked ``Confidential Business Information'' at the top. All 
submissions requesting confidential treatment must conform with the 
requirements of section 201.6 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and 
Procedure (19 CFR 201.6). The Commission may include some or all of 
such confidential business information submitted in its report to the 
USTR. All written submissions, except for confidential business 
information, will be made available for inspection by interested 
persons. All submissions should be addressed to the Secretary at the 
Commission's office in Washington, DC. The Commission's rules do not 
authorize filing of submissions with the Secretary by facsimile or 
electronic means. Hearing-impaired individuals are advised that 
information on this matter can be obtained by contacting our TDD 
terminal on (202) 205-1810.

    By order of the Commission.

    Issued: January 31, 2002.
Marilyn R. Abbott,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 02-2701 Filed 2-4-02; 8:45 am]