[Federal Register: August 29, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 168)]
[Page 55417]
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[Docket No. FR-4572-D-26]

Delegation of Authority to the Special Applications Center (SAC) 

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian 
Housing, HUD.

ACTION: Notice of redelegation of authority.


SUMMARY: In this notice, the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian 
Housing redelegates to the Director of the Special Applications Center 
authority to review and approve or disapprove: (1) Demolition or 
disposition applications pursuant to section 18 of the United States 
Housing Act of 1937 and 24 CFR part 970; and (2) agreements for the 
taking of public housing property in eminent domain proceedings, and 
conducting all activities related to such review, approval and 
disapproval with exceptions.

EFFECTIVE DATE: August 12, 2002.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ainars Rodins, Office of Public and 
Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Special 
Applications Center, Chicago, IL (312) 353-6236. (This is not a toll-
free number.) This number may be accessed via TTY by calling the 
Federal Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339. Comments or 
questions can be submitted through the Internet to Ainars--

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under section 18 of the United States 
Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq.) (the 1937 Act) the 
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development has authority to review and 
approve or disapprove applications from public housing agencies 
requesting authorization to demolish or dispose of public housing 
projects or portions of public housing projects. Section 18 is 
implemented by regulations found at 24 CFR part 970.
    Under the Annual Contributions Contract and Declaration of Trust, 
the Secretary has an interest in public housing projects that require 
his or her joinder as a party in eminent domain proceedings.
    The Secretary has elsewhere delegated to the Assistant Secretary 
for Public and Indian Housing (PIH) the authority to administer the 
Department's programs relating to public housing (see the delegation of 
authority published in the Federal Register at 48 FR 41097).
    Accordingly, the Assistant Secretary for PIH redelegates that 
authority, as follows:

Section A: Authority Redelegated

    The Assistant Secretary for PIH redelegates the following authority 
to the Director of the Special Applications Center (SAC), except as 
provided in Section B. below:
    1. To review and approve or disapprove applications for the 
demolition or disposition of public housing projects pursuant to 
section 18 of the 1937 Act and the implementing regulations at 24 CFR 
part 970, and to conduct all activities related to such review, and 
approval or disapproval of such applications.
    2. To review and approve or disapprove agreements for the taking of 
public housing property in eminent domain proceedings and conduct all 
activities related to such review, and approval or disapproval of such 

Section B: Authority Excepted

    1. The authority redelegated does not include the authority to 
waive regulations; and
    2. The Director of the SAC may exercise the authority to disapprove 
an application for demolition or disposition or an agreement for the 
taking of public housing property in eminent domain proceedings on the 
grounds that the application or agreement is prohibited by or 
inconsistent with applicable Federal law only with the concurrence of 
the Assistant Secretary for PIH or his or her designee.

Section C: Authority to Further Redelegate

    The authority redelegated in Section A may not be further 
redelegated except to an official authorized to act for the Director of 
the SAC in his or her absence.

Section D: Authority Revoked

    The redelegation of authority from the Assistant Secretary for PIH 
to PIH Directors and Deputy Directors in the field, published in the 
Federal Register at 59 FR 51200 (October 7, 1994) is revoked in part. 
Specifically, the authority redelegated to PIH Directors and Deputy 
Directors with regard to demolition and disposition of public housing 
(section 18 of the 1937 Act and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 
970) is revoked (see Section C.(2) of the October 7, 1994 
redelegation). The redelegation of authority to PIH Directors and 
Deputy Directors remains otherwise in effect.

    Dated: August 12, 2002.
Michael Liu,
Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing.
[FR Doc. 02-21986 Filed 8-28-02; 8:45 am]