Active Legislation

108th Congress (2003-2004)
Final Issue

Bills are arranged alphabetically by popular title or subject—so they're easy to find. Bill numbers are provided to facilitate research in THOMAS.

AppropriationsAgency AuthorizationsPublic Laws, 108th Congress (selected)
Popular reportsProgram Authorizations 

Popular Titles and Subjects
A — Active Legislation
 Abortion, "partial-birth," prohibit S.3P.L.108-105
 African-American History Museum, establish H.R.3491P.L.108-184
 Agricultural assistance (including drought assistance; 117 Stat. 538-547) H.J.Res.2P.L.108-7
 AIDS, assistance to Africa and the Caribbean H.R.1298P.L.108-25
 Airline industry, financial assistance (includes unemployment; 117 Stat. 604-609) H.R.1559P.L.108-11
 Amber Alert, enhance (part of the PROTECT Act; 117 Stat. 660-667) S.151P.L.108-21
 American Dream Downpayment Act S.811P.L.108-186
"Anti-Spitzer" amendment (state attorneys general, limitation of power)  H.R.2179
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, designate a portion as wilderness S.543 H.R.770
     Boxer amendment to remove drilling provisions in Senate budget resolution
S.A.272 to S.Con.Res.23 
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, oil & gas production (in House energy omnibus)  Title IV, H.R.6
Asbestos claims (Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act) S.2290* 
Assault weapons ban, reauthorize S.A.2637* to S.1805 
B — Active Legislation
Bankruptcy reform (SEE ALSO: Farmer bankruptcy)   H.R.975
 Bioterrorism vaccine ("Project Bioshield") S.15P.L.108-276
Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act (prevent "drive-through" mastectomies) S.1684 H.R.1886
 Buy American enhancement ("Hunter amendment," modified; 117 Stat. 1548) H.R.1588P.L.108-136
C — Active Legislation
CARE Act (faith-based organizations, "charitable choice"; SEE ALSO: Community services) S.476* H.R.7
 Cash balance pension plans, block Treasury Dept. rules (118 Stat. 319; SEE ALSO: Popular Reports) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
 Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act H.R.1474P.L.108-100
Cheeseburger bill (obesity lawsuits, curb; Commonsense Consumption Act; Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act) S.1428 H.R.339
Child safety locks on handguns S.A.2620* to S.1805* 
 Child tax credit, increase H.R.1308P.L.108-311
Citizenship requirements to become president, changeSEE: President
Class Action Fairness Act S.2062* H.R.1115
Clear Skies Act (emissions control for power plants; SEE ALSO: Energy bill) S.485 H.R.999
Cloning, prohibit human cloning S.245, S.303 H.R.534*
Collective bargaining rights for public safety officers S.606, S.A.2268* to S.1072 H.R.814
Community services block grants, improve (SEE ALSO: CARE, Unemployment) S.1786 H.R.3030
Competitive sourcing initiative (privatization of some federal jobs, OMB Circular A-76), do not fund S.A.1731 to H.R.2989, S.A.1917 to H.R.2989 H.A.379 to H.R.2989
 Concealed weapons, exempt qualified retired and off-duty officers from state laws barring H.R.218P.L.108-277
 Concurrent receipt (117 Stat. 1511-1516) H.R.1588P.L.108-136
Congressional pay raise, none for 2004 S.A.1904 to H.R.2989 
Constitutional amendmentsSEE: Continuity, Flag, Marriage, President, Victims' rights
Continuity of Congress (special elections/appointments in national emergencies) S.1820, S.2031, S.J.Res.23 H.J.Res.83*, H.R.2844*
 Country-of-origin labeling for certain food products, two-year moratorium (118 Stat. 37) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
Cuba, ease travel restrictions S.950, S.A.1900 to H.R.2989 H.A.375 to H.R.2989
D — Active Legislation
Database protection (Database & Collections of Information Misappropriation Act; Consumer Access to Information Act)   H.R.3261, H.R.3872
 D.C. school vouchers (118 Stat. 126) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
 Debt limit increase H.J.Res.51P.L.108-24
 Dept. of Defense, national security personnel system (117 Stat. 1621-1645) H.R.1588P.L.108-136
 DNA testing, greater access for inmates H.R.5107P.L.108-405
 Do-not-call registry, authorize FTC to issue final rule (SEE ALSO: Popular Reports) H.R.395P.L.108-10
 Do-not-call registry, ratify authority of the FTC (SEE ALSO: Popular Reports) H.R.3161P.L.108-82
Draft, reinstate (including drafting females) S.89 H.R.163
E — Active Legislation
Economic stimulusSEE: Tax cuts
Energy bill S.2095*, S.A.3051* to S.A.3050* to S.150* H.R.6, H.R.4503
Estate tax, permanently repeal  H.R.8
Ethanol amendment S.A.3050* to S.150* 
F — Active Legislation
 Fair Credit Reporting Act (deals with financial privacy, identity theft; SEE ALSO: Identity theft) H.R.2622P.L.108-159
Faith-based organizations, charitable contributionsSEE: CARE Act, Community services
Farmer bankruptcy, extend Chapter 12 of Title 11 (P.L.108-73 extended program through January 1, 2004; SEE ALSO: Bankruptcy) S.1920 H.R.3540, H.R.3542
FCC indecency penalties, increase (SEE ALSO: Agency authorizations) S.2056 H.R.3717
 FCC media ownership rule, 39% limit (118 Stat. 99-100) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
Federal retiree prescription drug benefit (SEE ALSO: Medicare overhaul) S.1369 H.R.2631
Fetal protection billSEE: Unborn Victims
Flag desecration, constitutional amendment prohibiting S.J.Res.4 H.J.Res.4
G — Active Legislation
Gay marriage, constitutional amendment prohibitingSEE: Marriage
Genetic information, prohibit health insurers from discriminating on the basis of S.1053 H.R.1910
Global warming bill (McCain-Lieberman) (Climate Stewardship Act) S.139 
Guardsman & Reservists Financial Relief Act (retirement withdrawals) S.2375, S.2474 H.R.1779
 Gun buyers, destroy background check records within 24 hours (118 Stat. 95) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
Gun liability bill (SEE ALSO: Assault weapons, Child safety) S.1805* H.R.1036*
Gun shows, background checks to purchase guns S.A.2636 to S.1805 
H — Active Legislation
Hate crimes (aid to states for prosecution of hate crimes) S.966, S.A.3183 to S.2400 H.R.80, H.R.4204
HEALTH Act (medical malpractice liability reform) S.11Title I, H.R.4279*
 Healthy Forests Restoration Act (thinning national forests to reduce wildfire risk) H.R.1904P.L.108-148
Holds, eliminate secret Senate holds S.Res.151, S.Res.216 
Housing Assistance for Needy Families (block grants to states replacing Section 8 housing) S.947 H.R.1841
Hunter amendmentSEE: Buy American enhancement
I — Active Legislation
 Identity theft (SEE ALSO: Fair Credit) H.R.1731P.L.108-275
Importation of prescription drugs (direct imports to pharmacists, consumers) S.2328* H.R.2427*
Insurance, prevent sales of abusive policies to military personnel  H.R.5011
 Intelligence, reform of U.S. operations S.2845P.L.108-458
 Internet access tax moratorium S.150P.L.108-435
Internet gambling, curb S.627 H.R.2143*
Iran Democracy Act S.1082 
Iraq, abuse of prisoners, resolution condemning S.Res.356 H.Res.627*
Iraq, one half of reconstruction/relief funds to be treated as loans (SEE ALSO: Appropriations FY2004, Iraq) S.A.1871 to S.1689 H.A.409 to H.R.3289
Iraq, resolution on the anniversary of the war  H.Res.557
J — Active Legislation
 JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Strength) Act (FSC/ETI bill) H.R.4520P.L.108-357
L — Active Legislation
Library and bookseller records, exempt/limit from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (Freedom to Read Protection Act) S.1158, S.1507 H.R.1157, H.A.317 to H.R.2800
M — Active Legislation
 Marine mammals, ease environmental protection laws for military underwater exercises (117 Stat. 1433-1435) H.R.1588P.L.108-136
Marriage, defined as between a man and a woman only, amendment to the Constitution S.J.Res.40* H.J.Res.56
"Marriage penalty tax," make permanent  H.R.4181*
Marriage Protection Act, limit federal court jurisdiction over Defense of Marriage Act  H.R.3313
Medical errors/patient safety S.720 H.R.663*
Medical malpractice liability, reformSEE: HEALTH Act
 Medicare overhaul (Includes prescription drug benefit.) H.R.1P.L.108-173
"Mexico City Policy," block (funding to international family planning groups advocating abortion) sec. 412 of S.1585, S.A.1141 to S.925,  
 Military benefits, tax breaks H.R.3365P.L.108-121
 Millennium Challenge Corporation, create (118 Stat. 211) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
Minimum wage increase S.A.2945 to H.R.4 
Mutual funds reform, transparency S.1822, S.1971 H.R.2420
N — Active Legislation
National Guard/Reserves, early retirement (at age 55) S.1035 H.R.742
Nominations, change Senate rules for cloture S.Res.138* 
O — Active Legislation
Overtime, block Department of Labor proposed regulations on overtime pay S.2975*, S.A.3107 to S.1637, H.A.220 to H.R.2660
P — Active Legislation
PAYGO requirementsSEE: Tax cuts, restore pay-as-you-go
 Pension Funding Equity Act (corporate contributions to pension funds) H.R.3108P.L.108-218
Pensions, increase maximum contributions for 401(k)/IRAs, change corporate pension funding requirements  H.R.1776
Pension Security Act  H.R.1000
Pledge [of Allegiance] Protection Act, limit court jurisdiction over constitutional issues  H.R.2028
Port security S.2279 
 Prescription drug benefit, Medicare (part of Medicare overhaul; 117 Stat. 2071-2176) H.R.1P.L.108-173
 Prescription drug importation (safety of imports must be certified first; 117 Stat. 2464-2469) H.R.1P.L.108-173
Prescription drugsSEE: Importation of prescription drugs
President and vice president, permit persons who are not "natural-born citizens" to be eligible for office S.J.Res.15 H.J.Res.59, H.J.Res.67
 PROTECT Act (ban on virtual child pornography) S.151P.L.108-21
R — Active Legislation
Railroad safety S.2273* 
Reserve forces, retirement at age 55SEE: National Guard
Right to Life Act  H.R.3069
S — Active Legislation
Senate committee organizing resolutions S.Res.18, S.Res.20 
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, reorganization S.Res.445 
 Smallpox vaccination compensation H.R.1770P.L.108-20
"Sneak and peek" searches (dealing with sec. 213 of the Patriot Act (115 Stat. 285)) S.1701, S.1709 H.A.292 to H.R.2799
 Social security fraud, provide for protections against H.R.743P.L.108-203
Social security numbers, enhance privacy protections and prevent fraudulent misuse S.228 H.R.637, H.R.2971
 Soldiers, exempt from paying food charges while hospitalized (117 Stat. 1215) H.R.3289P.L.108-106
 Spam (CAN SPAM/Reduction in Distribution of Spam Act [eliminate unwanted sales e-mail]) S.877P.L.108-187
Spyware, make unauthorized access to computers illegal S.2131, S.2145 H.R.2929, H.R.4661
SuccessionSEE: Continuity
Support for president & troops S.Res.95 H.Con.Res.104
T — Active Legislation
 Tax cuts (economic stimulus) H.R.2P.L.108-27
 Tax cuts, extend H.R.1308P.L.108-311
Tax cuts, first Breaux amendment to reduce tax cut proposal to $350 billion S.A.339 to S.Con.Res.23 
     Second Breaux amendment to reduce tax cut proposal to $350 billion
S.A.420 to S.Con.Res.23 
Tax cuts, restore pay-as-you go requirement S.A.2748* to S.Con.Res.95 H.R.3973
 Tax relief, corporate (Jumpstart Our Business Strength (JOBS) Act, FSC/ETI bill) H.R.4520P.L.108-357
 Terrorism Information Awareness, do not fund (117 Stat. 1102; SEE ALSO: Total Information) H.R.2658P.L.108-87
Tobacco, give FDA authority to regulate S.2974 
 Tobacco buyout (118 Stat. 1521-1536) H.R.4520P.L.108-357
 Total Information Awareness, report requirements for funding, etc. (117 Stat. 534-536; SEE ALSO: Terrorism Information) H.J.Res.2P.L.108-7
 Transportation (TEA-21), extension of Highway Trust Fund programs (Extends programs through May 31, 2005; P.L.108-202 extended programs through April 30, 2004; P.L.108-224 extended programs through June 30, 2004) H.R.5183P.L.108-310
Transportation (TEA-21), reauthorization of Highway Trust Fund programs S.1072 H.R.3550, H.R.3994
U — Active Legislation
 Unborn Victims of Violence Act (prosecution for harming or killing a human fetus) H.R.1997P.L.108-212
Unemployment benefits, extend (Senate amendment through November 30, 2004) S.A.3114* to S.1637* H.A.462 to H.R.3030
 Unemployment benefits, extend (through December 31, 2003; P.L.108-1 extended benefits through June 1, 2003) H.R.2185P.L.108-26
V — Active Legislation
Vaccine compensation bill (claims filed via Vaccine Compensation Program) S.754 
Victims' rights, amendment to the Constitution S.J.Res.1 H.J.Res.10, H.J.Res.48
Victims' rights S.2329 H.R.4342
W — Active Legislation
Welfare bill (TANF) S.1443 H.R.4

Agency Authorizations
Amtrak, FY2004-FY2006 S.1501, S.1505 H.R.2572
 Coast Guard, FY2004-FY2005 H.R.2443P.L.108-293
 Department of Defense, FY2005 H.R.4200P.L.108-375
 Department of Defense, FY2004 H.R.1588P.L.108-136
Department of Justice, FY2004-FY2006  H.R.3036
 Federal Aviation Administration, FY2004-FY2006 H.R.2115P.L.108-176
Federal Communications Commission , FY2004-FY2007 S.1264 
 Intelligence agencies, FY2005 H.R.4548P.L.108-487
 Intelligence agencies, FY2004 H.R.2417P.L.108-177
 Military construction, FY2005 H.R.4200P.L.108-375
 Military construction, FY2004 H.R.1588P.L.108-136
State Department, FY2004-FY2005 S.925 H.R.1950

Program Authorizations
 Fair Credit Reporting Act (Fair & Accurate Credit Transactions Act) H.R.2622P.L.108-159
Head Start S.1474, S.1940 H.R.2210
 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) H.R.1350P.L.108-446
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) S.1443 H.R.4
Water Resources Development Act  H.R.2557
Workforce Investment Act S.1627 H.R.1261

Appropriations and Budget for Fiscal Year 2004, 108th Congress, 1st Session
More information available on the appropriations web page.
Budget Resolution, FY2004 S.Con.Res.23 H.Con.Res.95
 Supplemental Emergency War Funding, FY2003 H.R.1559P.L.108-11
 Emergency Supplemental for Disaster Relief, FY2003 H.R.2859P.L.108-69
 Iraq Supplemental Appropriations, FY2004 H.R.3289P.L.108-106
 Agriculture (118 Stat. 4-45) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
 Commerce, Justice, State (118 Stat. 46-111) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
 Defense H.R.2658P.L.108-87
 District of Columbia (118 Stat. 111-142) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
 Energy and Water H.R.2754P.L.108-137
 Foreign Operations (118 Stat. 143-226) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
 Homeland Security H.R.2555P.L.108-90
 Interior H.R.2691P.L.108-108
 Labor, HHS, Education (118 Stat. 226-278) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
 Legislative Branch H.R.2657P.L.108-83
 Military Construction H.R.2559P.L.108-132
 Transportation, Treasury (118 Stat. 279-362) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
 VA, HUD (118 Stat. 363-434) H.R.2673P.L.108-199

Appropriations and Budget for Fiscal Year 2005, 108th Congress, 2nd Session
More information available on the appropriations web page.
Budget Resolution, FY2005 (SEE ALSO: Tax cuts, restore pay-as-you-go) S.Con.Res.95 H.Con.Res.393
 Emergency Supplemental for Additional Disaster Assistance, FY2004 H.R.5005P.L.108-303
 Agriculture (118 Stat. 2811-2852) H.R.4818P.L.108-447
 Commerce, Justice, State (118 Stat. 2853-2934) H.R.4818P.L.108-447
 Defense H.R.4613P.L.108-287
 District of Columbia H.R.4850P.L.108-335
 Energy and Water (118 Stat. 2935-2967) H.R.4818P.L.108-447
 Foreign Operations (118 Stat. 2968-3039) H.R.4818P.L.108-447
 Homeland Security H.R.4567P.L.108-334
 Interior (118 Stat. 3039-3112) H.R.4818P.L.108-447
 Labor,HHS,Education (118 Stat. 3112-3166) H.R.4818P.L.108-447
 Legislative Branch (118 Stat. 3166-3198) H.R.4818P.L.108-447
 Military Construction H.R.4837P.L.108-324
 Transportation, Treasury (118 Stat. 3199-3285) H.R.4818P.L.108-447
 VA, HUD (118 Stat. 3285-3341) H.R.4818P.L.108-447

Popular Reports
9-11 Attacks: Joint Inquiry, Senate and House Intelligence Committees
9-11 Commission Home Page, including Final Report
Abu Ghraib, Department of Defense Detention Operations, Final Report
Budget, FY2005
Cash balance pension rules (68 FR 17277, 4/9/03)
Department of Labor overtime rules
Do-Not-Call Registry, FTC Page
Final Report on the August 14, 2003, Blackout in the United States and Canada
McConnell v. FEC (Supreme Court, pdf)
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, proposed rules
Middle East "Road Map"
Nurse Reinvestment Act, HRSA grants
President's report to Congress for use of military force against Iraq
Retiree health benefits, EEOC proposed rule
Senate Committee on Intelligence, Report on U.S. Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq (S.Rept.108-301)
September 11 Detainees Report

Public Laws, 108th Congress (selected)
Abortion, "partial-birth," prohibit S.3P.L.108-105
African-American History Museum, establish H.R.3491P.L.108-184
Agricultural assistance (including drought assistance; 117 Stat. 538-547) H.J.Res.2P.L.108-7
AIDS, assistance to Africa and the Caribbean H.R.1298P.L.108-25
Airline industry, financial assistance (includes unemployment; 117 Stat. 604-609) H.R.1559P.L.108-11
Amber Alert, enhance (part of the PROTECT Act; 117 Stat. 660-667) S.151P.L.108-21
American Dream Downpayment Act S.811P.L.108-186
Bioterrorism vaccine ("Project Bioshield") S.15P.L.108-276
Buy American enhancement ("Hunter amendment," modified; 117 Stat. 1548) H.R.1588P.L.108-136
Cash balance pension plans, block Treasury Dept. rules (118 Stat. 319; SEE ALSO: Popular Reports) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act H.R.1474P.L.108-100
Child tax credit, increase H.R.1308P.L.108-311
Concealed weapons, exempt qualified retired and off-duty officers from state laws barring H.R.218P.L.108-277
Concurrent receipt (117 Stat. 1511-1516) H.R.1588P.L.108-136
Country-of-origin labeling for certain food products, two-year moratorium (118 Stat. 37) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
D.C. school vouchers (118 Stat. 126) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
Debt limit increase H.J.Res.51P.L.108-24
Dept. of Defense, national security personnel system (117 Stat. 1621-1645) H.R.1588P.L.108-136
DNA testing, greater access for inmates H.R.5107P.L.108-405
Do-not-call registry, authorize FTC to issue final rule (SEE ALSO: Popular Reports) H.R.395P.L.108-10
Do-not-call registry, ratify authority of the FTC (SEE ALSO: Popular Reports) H.R.3161P.L.108-82
Fair Credit Reporting Act (deals with financial privacy, identity theft; SEE ALSO: Identity theft) H.R.2622P.L.108-159
FCC media ownership rule, 39% limit (118 Stat. 99-100) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
Gun buyers, destroy background check records within 24 hours (118 Stat. 95) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
Healthy Forests Restoration Act (thinning national forests to reduce wildfire risk) H.R.1904P.L.108-148
Identity theft (SEE ALSO: Fair Credit) H.R.1731P.L.108-275
Intelligence, reform of U.S. operations S.2845P.L.108-458
Internet access tax moratorium S.150P.L.108-435
JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Strength) Act (FSC/ETI bill) H.R.4520P.L.108-357
Marine mammals, ease environmental protection laws for military underwater exercises (117 Stat. 1433-1435) H.R.1588P.L.108-136
Medicare overhaul (Includes prescription drug benefit.) H.R.1P.L.108-173
Military benefits, tax breaks H.R.3365P.L.108-121
Millennium Challenge Corporation, create (118 Stat. 211) H.R.2673P.L.108-199
Pension Funding Equity Act (corporate contributions to pension funds) H.R.3108P.L.108-218
Prescription drug benefit, Medicare (part of Medicare overhaul; 117 Stat. 2071-2176) H.R.1P.L.108-173
Prescription drug importation (safety of imports must be certified first; 117 Stat. 2464-2469) H.R.1P.L.108-173
PROTECT Act (ban on virtual child pornography) S.151P.L.108-21
Smallpox vaccination compensation H.R.1770P.L.108-20
Social security fraud, provide for protections against H.R.743P.L.108-203
Soldiers, exempt from paying food charges while hospitalized (117 Stat. 1215) H.R.3289P.L.108-106
Spam (CAN SPAM/Reduction in Distribution of Spam Act [eliminate unwanted sales e-mail]) S.877P.L.108-187
Tax cuts (economic stimulus) H.R.2P.L.108-27
Tax cuts, extend H.R.1308P.L.108-311
Tax relief, corporate (Jumpstart Our Business Strength (JOBS) Act, FSC/ETI bill) H.R.4520P.L.108-357
Terrorism Information Awareness, do not fund (117 Stat. 1102; SEE ALSO: Total Information) H.R.2658P.L.108-87
Tobacco buyout (118 Stat. 1521-1536) H.R.4520P.L.108-357
Total Information Awareness, report requirements for funding, etc. (117 Stat. 534-536; SEE ALSO: Terrorism Information) H.J.Res.2P.L.108-7
Transportation (TEA-21), extension of Highway Trust Fund programs (Extends programs through May 31, 2005; P.L.108-202 extended programs through April 30, 2004; P.L.108-224 extended programs through June 30, 2004) H.R.5183P.L.108-310
Unborn Victims of Violence Act (prosecution for harming or killing a human fetus) H.R.1997P.L.108-212
Unemployment benefits, extend (through December 31, 2003; P.L.108-1 extended benefits through June 1, 2003) H.R.2185P.L.108-26

indicates a public law *Many bills existed, but this bill received legislative attention.
Bills that did not pass have been struck through.BOLD bill numbers indicate advanced legislative action.
S.A.= Senate Amendment.V indicates a veto.
 H.A.= House Amendment.