[Federal Register: March 17, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 53)]
[Page 14553-14554]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

[[Page 14553]]



[FE Docket No. 00-02-NG , Et Al.]

Office of Fossil Energy; Petrocom Energy Group, LTD.; Orders 
Granting, Amending and Transferring Authorizations To Import and Export 
Natural Gas

AGENCY: Office of Fossil Energy, DOE.

ACTION: Notice of orders.


SUMMARY: The Office of Fossil Energy (FE) of the Department of Energy 
gives notice that it has issued Orders granting, amending and 
transferring natural gas import and export authorizations. These Orders 
are summarized in the attached appendix and may be found on the FE web 
site at http://www.fe.doe.gov., or on the electronic bulletin board at 
(202) 586-7853. They are also available for inspection and copying in 
the Office of Natural Gas & Petroleum Import & Export Activities, 
Docket Room 3E-033, Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, 
Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-9478. The Docket Room is open between 
the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except 
Federal holidays.

    Issued in Washington, D.C., on March 10, 2000.
John W. Glynn,
Manager, Natural Gas Regulation, Office of Natural Gas & Petroleum, 
Import & Export Activities, Office of Fossil Energy.

Appendix--Orders Granting, Amending and Transferring Import/Export 

                                Importer/Exporter FE
    Order No.     Date issued        Docket No.         Import volume      Export volume          Comments
1566............     02-01-00  Petrocom Energy        2 Bcf............  1 Bcf............  Import and export
                                Group, LTD. 00-02-NG. 1 Bcf............  1 Bcf............   from and to Canada
                                                                                             and Mexico over a
                                                                                             two-year term
                                                                                             beginning on the
                                                                                             date of first
                                                                                             delivery of either
                                                                                             the import or
1567............     02-01-00  Calpine East Fuels     40 Bcf...........    ...............  Import and export a
                                LLC 00-06-NG.                                                combined total from
                                                                                             and to Canada
                                                                                             beginning on July
                                                                                             1, 2000, and
                                                                                             extending through
                                                                                             June 30, 2002.
1568............     02-04-00  Suprex Energy          15 Bcf...........    ...............  Import from Canada
                                Corporation 00-05-NG.                                        beginning on March
                                                                                             1, 2000, and
                                                                                             extending through
                                                                                             February 28, 2002.
1195-A..........     02-07-00  Bear Paw Energy,         ...............    ...............  Transfer of long-
                                L.L.C. (The                                                  term import
                                successor to                                                 authority.
                                Sheffield Processing
                                Company) 96-54-NG.
1569............     02-17-00  Alliance Pipeline      8.8 Bcf..........    ...............  Import from Canada
                                L.P. 00-08-NG.                                               over a two-year
                                                                                             term beginning on
                                                                                             the date of first
500-B...........     02-24-00  Project Orange           ...............    ...............  Amendment to long-
                                Associates L.P. 88-                                          term import
                                01-NG.                                                       authority to
                                                                                             reflect new
1570............     02-24-00  Williams Energy                       400 Bcf                Import and export a
                                Marketing & Trading                                          combined total from
                                Company (Formerly                                            and to Mexico over
                                Williams Energy                                              a two year term
                                Services Company) 00-                                        beginning on the
                                09-NG.                                                       date of first
                                                                                             delivery after
                                                                                             March 31, 2000.
1571............     02-25-00  Questar Energy         50 Bcf...........  50 Bcf...........  Import and export
                                Trading Company 00-                                          from and to Canada
                                11-NG.                                                       beginning on
                                                                                             February 28, 2000,
                                                                                             and extending
                                                                                             through February
                                                                                             27, 2002.

[[Page 14554]]

[FR Doc. 00-6656 Filed 3-16-00; 8:45 am]