[Federal Register: December 4, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 233)]
[Page 75726-75727]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Public Health Service

National Toxicology Program; National Toxicology Program (NTP) 
Board of Scientific Counselors Meeting; Review of Nominations for 
Listing in the 10th Report on Carcinogens: Revised Preliminary Agenda 
and Review Order

    This notice provides updated information and notes changes for the 
meeting of the NTP Board of Scientific Counselors' Report on 
Carcinogens (RoC) Subcommittee to be held on December 13, 14, & 15, 
2000, at the Wyndham City Center, 1143 New Hampshire Ave., NW, 
Washington, DC 20037. On December 13, registration will begin at 9:00 
am and the meeting will begin at 9:30 am. On December 14 & 15, the 
meeting will begin at 8:30 am. Pre-registration is not required; 
however, persons requesting time to make oral, public comments are 
asked to notify Dr. Mary S. Wolfe, Executive Secretary, prior to the 
meeting (contact information given below).


    This meeting covers the peer review of nominations for listing in 
the 10th RoC, and includes opportunity for public input. An earlier 
notice of this meeting, which included information about the 
nominations, review order, solicitation of oral and written comments, 
and how to secure background documents for the nominations, was 
published in the Federal Register (October 17, 2000, Volume 65, Number 
201, Pages 61352-61354).

Changes in Review Order

    While the agenda for this meeting remains preliminary, the order of 
the review as published in the previous notice has been altered as 
follows: the review of Chloramphenicol changes from six to five; Talc 
(Asbestiform and

[[Page 75727]]

Non-Asbestiform) changes on the agenda from number seven to number six; 
and Estrogens, Steroidal changes from number five to number seven for 
review. Summary data and the revised, preliminary order for review of 
the nominations are listed in the table below:

 Summary Data for Nominations to be Reviewed at the Meeting of the NTP Board of Scientific Counselors' Report on
                              Carcinogens Subcommittee--December 13, 14, & 15, 2000
  Nomination to be reviewed/cas number      Primary uses or exposures        To be reviewed for     review order
Broad Spectrum UV Radiation and UVA,     Solar and artificial sources    Listing in the 10th                  1
 UVB and UVC.                             of ultraviolet radiation.       Report.
Chloramphenicol/(56-75-7)..............  Used widely as an antibiotic    Listing in the 10th                  5
                                          since the 1950s.                Report.
Estrogens, Sterodial...................  Estrogens are widely used in    Listing in the 10th                  7
                                          post-menopausal therapy and     Report.
                                          in oral contraceptives for
Metallic Nickel & Nickel Alloys........  Widely used in commercial       Listing in the 10th                  4
                                          applications for over 100       Report.
Methyleugenol/(93-15-2)................  Flavoring agent used in         Listing in the 10th                  3
                                          jellies, baked goods,           Report.
                                          nonalcholoic beverages,
                                          chewing gum, candy, and ice
                                          cream. Also used as a
                                          fragrance for many perfumes,
                                          lotions, detergents and soaps.
Talc/(14807-96-6) (Asbestiform and (Non- Asbestiform talc (i.e. talc     Listing in the 10th                  6
 Asbestiform).                            containing Asbestiform          Report.
                                          fibers) occurs in various
                                          geological settings around
                                          the world. Occupational
                                          exposure occurs during
                                          mining, milling and
                                          processing. Non-asbestiform
                                          talc (i.e. talc not
                                          containing asbestiform
                                          fibers) occurs in various
                                          geological settings around
                                          the world. Occupational
                                          exposure occurs during
                                          mining, milling and
                                          processing. Exposure to
                                          general population occurs
                                          through use of products such
                                          as cosmetics.
Trichloroethylene (TCE)/(79-01-6)......  Trichloroethylene is widely     Upgrade to Known.........            2
                                          used as a solvent with 80-90%
                                          used worldwide for degreasing
Wood Dust..............................  It is estimated that at least   Listing in the 10th                  8
                                          two million people are          Report.
                                          routinely exposed
                                          occupationally to wood dust
                                          worldwide. Non-occupational
                                          exposure also occurs. The
                                          highest exposures have
                                          generally been reported in
                                          wood furniture and cabinet
                                          manufacturer, especially
                                          during machine sanding and
                                          similar operations.

    The RoC Subcommittee will provide separate recommendations for each 
of the agents, substances, mixtures or exposure circumstance listed in 
the table above. This includes separate recommendations for Broad 
Spectrum UV Radiation and for UVA, for UVB, and for UVC; for Metallic 
Nickel and for Nickel Alloys, and for Talc Asbestiform and for Talc 
    The agenda and a roster of Subcommittee members is available on the 
NTP web homepage at http://ntp-server.niehs.nih.gov/ and upon request 
from Dr. Wolfe (Dr. Mary S. Wolfe, P.O. Box 12233, A3-07, Research 
Triangle Park, NC 27709 (telephone 919/541-3971; FAX 919/541-0295; 
email wolfe@niehs.nih.gov). Summary minutes for the previous meeting 
are available on the NTP web homepage and upon request from Dr. Wolfe.

    Dated: November 21, 2000.
Samuel H. Wilson,
Deputy Director, National Institute of Environmental Health Services.
[FR Doc. 00-30712 Filed 12-1-00; 8:45 am]